Business owners know what questions must be asked when interviewing an IT provider. However, these questions only scratch the surface. Learn the following information before choosing which firm to retain.
New Technology
When choosing an IT support company, learn how they incorporate new technology. New items become available regularly, and the IT support team must be prepared to use this technology to benefit clients. Look for a company that has a plan in place to do so to obtain the best results.
Biggest Success
The answer to this question will vary, but it provides insight into what the company feels is important. Some firms will talk about hitting a financial bookmark. Another firm may talk about how they upgraded a company that was on the verge of failure but is now thriving.
Biggest Failure
Don’t stop at their successes, however. Ask what the firm’s biggest failure was and why they believe they didn’t succeed. This will provide more insight into what the company feels is important. Ask what they would change in the future to avoid another failure of this type.
Important Deadlines
Learn how they handle important deadlines. Many people work in a bubble today or feel as if they do. However, the IT firm has clients counting on them. By asking about important deadlines, a company can learn how they bring people together to meet key metrics such as this.
Staff Training
As new technology continues to emerge, employees must undergo training to use it. The firm should have a training program in place to ensure all employees are knowledgeable about the latest advancements. If they don’t, choose another firm. No company can afford to fail behind when it comes to the IT program.
Happy Employees
What makes the firm’s employees happy? Unhappy employees won’t stick around, which means a client could be dealing with someone new each time they need IT help. Look for a company that cares about employee happiness to reduce the risk of this happening.
Current IT Trends
Brush up on IT trends before interviewing companies. Ask each company to pick a current trend and discuss why it is important. If they are unable to do so, they aren’t the right provider. Every IT firm must know what is happening within the industry to provide clients with the best IT information.
Client Concerns
When a client has a concern, where should they turn? Relationships don’t always go smoothly. Every client should know how to obtain help when they feel the current team they have isn’t doing the job properly. What is the hierarchy within the organization? Every client needs this information.
Special Skills
Does the firm have special skills that a client wouldn’t find with competitors? It is nice to know why one company should be chosen over another, and the answer to this question might be the reason a company is selected. It never hurts to ask.
Firm Accomplishments
What is the one thing the company is most proud of? When a firm talks about its successes, the focus is often on what it does for clients. When it talks about accomplishments, however, the focus could be much broader. It’s interesting to see how the firm answers these two questions and what its focus is when it comes to different areas.
By learning about these areas, a business owner can discover more about each firm and what makes it special. No two companies are alike, which means one IT firm won’t be right for every organization. Dig deeper than the standard interview questions and finding the right IT support team will be a much easier task.