When you are trying to figure out the sort of career path that you would like to pursue, you might find yourself making a wish list of sorts regarding possible options. Some careers are more geared towards higher earning potential, while others provide professionals with a better balance between one’s work life and home life. With so many variables, a wish list can help you to narrow down your career path options.
If, while you are making your list, you decide that your top priority is to end up in a job that allows you to help others day in and day out, then you should start considering career path options that are service-oriented. This category encompasses those types of jobs that contribute to improving the lives of others and making a positive difference in society as a whole.
There are many different roles in multiple fields and industries that are service-oriented. However, once you know that your calling is to improve the lives of others, you can then consider your personal and professional talents and skills in order to find a career path that would best suit you.
If you are currently trying to find a career that is service-oriented and are looking to narrow down your search a bit, here are a few different paths to consider.
Human Services
As you are attempting to find the right service-oriented career path for you, you will undoubtedly come across options within the field of human services. This is a vastly in-demand area with a variety of different roles that you can consider.
Some jobs in the field of human services are geared towards working with specific demographics, such as children or the elderly. There are also some that involve elements of outreach and education. With so many options to choose from, you can certainly find a good fit for yourself in this field.
In a nutshell, careers in human services are those that provide opportunities to directly impact the lives of those within a community for the better. Whether that means advocating for at-risk children or helping a former substance abuser get their life back on track, there is no shortage of roles in which you can make a positive difference.
You will need to earn a relevant bachelor’s degree in order to pursue a career in human services. There are plenty of accredited, quality health and human services degree programs to choose from that will equip you with the skills and knowledge that you need for this career path.
When all is said and done, you can have a truly positive impact on those who need a helping hand in your local community.
When it comes to careers that are service-oriented, it should come as no surprise that so many are related to the field of healthcare. The simple fact is that while there are people who are in need of medical attention, there will always be a need for dedicated and qualified healthcare professionals.
More specifically, though, there is no denying just how service-based a career in nursing is. Setting aside the fact that the prevailing shortage of nurses means that such individuals are often overworked and underappreciated, nurses are generally called upon to tend to their patients in a multitude of ways. From keeping patients clean and comfortable to overseeing a variety of their immediate and long-term medical needs, nurses are kept busy from the moment their shift begins until they clock out again.
You can pursue a career as a nurse in several different ways. You can obtain a certification as a vocational nurse in a relatively short amount of time, or you can opt to become a registered nurse (RN) by earning either your associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree. There are also opportunities to further your career in nursing by earning advanced degrees.
If you consider yourself to be the sort of individual who has the skills and characteristics necessary to educate and guide others, then a career as a teacher is one that you should certainly consider. This is a career that is truly service-oriented for a variety of reasons.
For starters, teachers play such a pivotal role in the lives of young people across the country who are looking to better themselves through completing their education. However, despite the fact that they have such an important job to do, teachers are often up against it when it comes to obtaining the resources and support necessary to educate their students properly.
Not only do teachers tend to earn a salary that is less than enticing for many people, but they typically find themselves working outside of standard hours in order to get through all of the tasks that they must complete.
Nevertheless, teachers are essential members of society who dedicate their careers to serving their students. They have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of those they instruct day in and day out, and by pursuing a career in education, so can you.
By nature, a career with a non-profit organization is one that will provide you with the opportunity to give back to those in need. There are plenty of organizations that are designed to cater to the needs of various demographics and for a variety of reasons.
As with many service-oriented careers, you shouldn’t expect to make your millions when you decide to work for a non-profit, but you can certainly make a positive difference in the lives of others through such a career.
In order to find the right career for you within the world of non-profit organizations, you should first consider the things that you are passionate about. There are so many organizations out there in need of talented and dedicated professionals to work for them that you can essentially find work in virtually any area that you would like. Furthermore, when you are truly passionate about what you do, you will find a higher degree of dedication to your job.