Do you dream of studying in the USA? Do you want to get a degree from one of the most prestigious universities? No problem, U.S. universities, and academies are open to international students. “No, the problem is finances,” more than one applicant will tell us. And he will be right: a quality education costs money. But talent, intelligence, and ability are highly valued in the Land of Freedom – for a good study the U.S. universities give scholarships even to foreign students. And the stipend should cover all costs: tuition, room and board, and transportation.
Who is eligible for a U.S. university scholarship?
When it comes to obtaining financial assistance, there are many bureaucratic hurdles. You need to prove that you are the best student worthy of the scholarship. Actually, going through the bureaucracy itself is another stepping stone, proving that you are diligent and used to getting your way.
Applying for a scholarship most often involves showing grades in all subjects, a motivation letter, and a description of your achievements. With a motivation letter, you have to reveal yourself, but you can always ask to write my essay for me if you don’t know the structure and what to write. You can brag about anything from athletic victories to your own scientific discoveries, however small. U.S. universities are very fond of versatile students: even the mathematics department will pay attention to the one who is the best at soccer.
In short, everyone will answer the question “Who is eligible for a scholarship in the United States?” in their own way. Some will confidently say “that’s me,” while others will think “I’m not likely to make it…”. As you know, the one who is confident wins.
Criteria for receiving a scholarship to study in the USA
Scholarships are most readily available to students in the exact sciences. Humanities students are less likely to be awarded scholarships. If you have chosen mathematics, physics, IT, engineering, biology, chemistry, etc., your chances increase. Your chances increase. It is because of the fact that the U.S. tends to invest in areas in which it leads the world market. It’s just economics – nothing personal.
Academic performance is also an important criterion. For this, you need to submit your scorecard in all subjects. This also includes success in related fields, including sports. Don’t forget that you also need to know English well in the States (language courses can help with this).
Secondary criteria are belonging to a certain nationality, religion, or organization. Tolerant states are known to often like to loudly support those who, in their view, are socially insecure.
A letter of motivation should reveal the answer to the question, “How do I personally benefit science, society, and this institution of higher education?” Often a student’s motivation is the deciding factor in choosing a scholarship recipient. So you should try to write sincerely and factually, you should not be modest or praise your qualities. If you do not do as well as you should in your academic work as described in your letter of motivation, your scholarship may be taken away. Sometimes it is a good idea, to be honest about what skills you personally lack and how you plan to improve yourself in this regard.
And finally: the size of a scholarship is determined by each institution individually.
Scholarships come in the form of:
- undergraduate (BA)
- Master’s (MA)
- for MBA programs
As a rule, it takes up to two months to review a candidate’s application. In some cases, a scholarship may be issued as a transfer of a student loan taken out for education at a bank in any state.
Final words
You need to explore other options that are also open to your situation: academic, economic, and whatever else it has to offer so that when you are in the United States tomorrow, you will feel good about studying English in the United States in the best way and in the one that is best for you.
One last thing to keep in mind when trying to answer the question of how to get a scholarship to study in the United States is whether you qualify for financial aid. This can be an important deciding factor, especially if you are not particularly committed to your studies. The reason financial aid is available is that universities are trying to help students not only pay tuition but also get a head start on their career prospects.