Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident or a workplace incident, your life has been turned upside down. You may be finding it very difficult to function right now, physically, emotionally, and financially, but don’t give up. You can make it through these difficult days and come out stronger in the end. Read on for some ideas about how to cope after an injury.
Get Stronger Physically
You might have a long road ahead of you physically after your injury, but keep on traveling down it. Even when you want to give up and just sit, get up, and start moving as much as you can according to your doctor’s orders. If you are in physical therapy, be meticulous about attending your sessions and doing your exercises at home. Work with your doctor to manage your pain, but try not to rely completely on pain medications, especially those that are habit-forming. Research natural ways to control pain, and even consider visiting a pain clinic that can provide you with a variety of pain management techniques.
Build Emotional Stability
Your injury may be physical, but it has probably taken its toll psychologically as well. Your emotions likely feel as though they are spinning out of control some days, pivoting between depression and anger. This can be difficult to face, but for your own sake and the sake of your loved ones, you must work to build emotional stability.
Depending on your personality and situation, this might mean seeking therapy through a mental health professional. If you choose not to do that, however, you should develop a stress management plan that will help you get your emotions under control. You might set aside time for prayer and meditation, develop a series of calming breathing exercises, practice music therapy, immerse yourself in a hobby, and/or keep a journal. You should also create a strong support network of family and friends, people you can turn to when you need to talk, and who can help you cope with the emotional upheaval of this time in your life.
Recover Financially
If your injury has kept you off of work for some time, then you might be struggling financially on top of everything else. Even though you may not want to do so, write out a budget so that you know exactly where you stand at this moment. Then explore your financial options. You might apply for disability if you can’t return to work for a while. You may also pursue insurance claims, workers’ compensation, or even litigation depending on the circumstances. You will probably have to cut your expenses, but be careful about going too far into debt at this point.
If you already have money from a personal injury settlement, you might consider setting up a trust to make sure the funds cover what is necessary at the moment. As you recover, think about starting your own business at home. This can at least bring in some extra money, and there are plenty of options for online work these days.
Most of all, don’t despair. You and your family will survive this trial if you persevere in your recovery, physically, emotionally, and financially.