If you happen to be passionate about all things marketing and are seriously considering a career as a Marketing Manager, then this article is definitely for you. It outlines the main requirements and the best paths to professional success.
What Exactly Does a Marketing Manager Do?
Essentially, the marketing manager is the person who helps the company promote its brand image, products, and services, in order to sell them in an efficient manner. A marketing manager’s job is quite complex and multifaceted – from analyzing all available marketing data to generating new creative ideas and marketing strategies and implementing them, to directing Customer Relationship Management and Public Relations efforts, to promoting products and services and working actively to raise brand awareness. Most importantly, a marketing manager is exactly that – a manager, as in someone who builds and leads teams of professionals by delegating responsibilities, who plans budgets and oversees them, and is responsible for the achievements (or shortcomings) of the entire Marketing Department or Team.
Job Requirements – Skills, Abilities, Experience
You are probably wondering what kind of experience, skills, and abilities you need to have, before even starting your career as a Marketing Manager? Here a few considerations, to get you started on your way to achieving this:
- First and foremost, you need a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management, preferably from a top-tier college or university. Honestly, the importance of proper higher education for your career cannot be overstated. Employers are looking for professionals who have the latest knowledge and expertise in the industry, and these can only be gained through years of study. It is certainly true that various online courses represent a cheaper and more accessible path to this knowledge. However, a college diploma, especially one from a renowned institution, will work wonders for your employment opportunities and your career advancement in the future.
- Extensive work experience is priceless. Aside from your education, the most relevant indicator for your potential employer, is whether you have sufficient hands-on experience in the industry. You should start working on that background as soon as possible, even while you study for your bachelor’s degree. There are countless jobs in marketing, including opportunities for people with little or no previous marketing experience. These entry-level jobs include social media coordinator, marketing coordinator, event marketing specialist, account coordinator, project coordinator, and many more. At first, the salary will be nothing to write home about, but these jobs will help you “break into” the industry and start learning a lot of stuff from your work.
- Supercharge your career with additional education. If your professional life is already past points 1 and 2, you are probably just one step away from becoming a successful Marketing Manager. You need to focus your attention on the fields where your skills and expertise seem to be somewhat lacking and to take action on closing those gaps. This is best done by enrolling for additional education, ideally a Master of Science or an MBA in Marketing. While it is true that a master’s degree requires a considerable investment in both time and money, it will most definitely help you take one or even several steps up the career ladder. Furthermore, you can pick a master’s program that is closely related to your company’s main activity or industry, thus earning points with your current employer and maybe even convincing to help fund your education.
To Summarize
A career as a Marketing Manager is guaranteed to be exciting, challenging, and diverse, as long as you pick your education correctly, create a career strategy for yourself, and follow through on it. If you keep in mind all of the points listed above and work consistently towards these goals, amazing opportunities are sure to present themselves and your professional success will skyrocket.
Teodor Birsa