Church planting refers to an institution where people of strong faith at present. The main purpose of these people is to give a strong belief to those whose faith is weak so that they can fully practice their religion and be good humans for society. As well as informing existing believers and preachers in the Church on what basic model the new principles are based on. This is a very important and necessary responsibility that should be properly fulfilled. A strong believer is a sign of being religious. Church planting is a great way to lead lost people to the way of God. And telling them how much their God loves them. Through this action, the faith of these people in God is strengthened.
What is the real purpose of church planters?
Church planters are called missionaries. Missionary’s job is to follow every single word of God and encourage people to follow these orders. Church planters never work in one place, when their purpose is fulfilled, they go to another place and convey God’s teachings to preachers and believers. They sacrifice their whole lives in the way of their God and devote their energies to conveying God’s teachings only. So to achieve this goal there are many institutions where church planters are taught in which Southwestern Seminary is one of the best institutes.
Courses Offered:
For those students who live far away from any institution and cannot come to study in that institution on a daily basis, we have the facility of online seminary classes for that. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has thus far trained thousands of people, and they are fulfilling their responsibilities by visiting local or distant churches. We have many educated and religious preachers who teach the coming students. We are offering Ph.D. Programs for locals and for students who cannot come to campus have an online 8 weeks program for them.
Through these online degrees, The Master of Arts in Worship Managerial program is created for worship leaders who want to enhance their creative and management abilities while also deepening their understanding of genuine manifestations of faith. In these master’s courses, you can apply divinity, theology, religious studies, biblical counseling, Christian education, and more.
What will graduates get?
We have Bible experts and they are so experienced in their fields that they can easily teach every single word of God. Our faculty are able to teach the detailed meaning of the Bible and give authentic references from ancient history so that they can easily convince people. We not only focus on teaching, but we also allow our graduates to do practical work. In this way, they can easily know society, people’s thinking, and how to teach and convince them.Ā
Along with education, we also teach morals to our graduates and make their thinking, their character an example that people are drawn towards them. Through graduate research, in liturgy, in theology, in lifestyle administration, all are learned and undergraduates are organized to serve a neighboring church to gain experience.