There are currently over 2 million farms in the United States. They’re a major part of our economy. But, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about farmers and what they do.
So, how do you tell the truth from the lies? Read on to learn all about the farming myths out there today.
1. Farmers Lack Food Safety
Many people believe that farmers just don’t care about food safety. For example, they believe that farmers overuse chemicals that aren’t safe for humans. But, that’s not true. Most farmers use safe chemicals. These chemicals are used to keep insects away from the crops.
Companies like Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc create safer chemicals for use by farmers. And, farmers know to use these chemicals in moderation.
In terms of animal farming, lots of people think that antibiotics and hormone use are overused. That can be true in some situations. But, most farmers use these products responsibly.
2. All Farms are Corporate
Many businesses have become more and more corporate, and some people also apply that to farms. But that’s actually not true. Many, if not most, farms in the United States are still run by families.
Farming is very prone to fluctuations due to things that cannot be controlled. For example, weather issues can be a major factor in farming.
And, farms are a lot smaller than you think. Most farms are only a few hundred acres. Plus, a lot of farmers don’t actually own the land they farm on. A lot of farmland is rented, either by people who formally ran their farms and retired or people who never farmed in the first place.
3. Farming is Only About Food
Of course, lots of our food comes from farming. But, lots of other products we use on an everyday basis also come from farming. Soybeans, for example, are a common crop on farms.
They can be used to make products such as lip balm. The same is true for wheat, corn, and even beef. So, farming is a lot more flexible than you might think!
4. Farming Isn’t a Get Rich Quick Scheme
Some people believe that people get into farming to make money, rely on subsidies, and take advantage of immigrant labor. But, it’s actually difficult to make a lot of money farming.
And, while a lot of farmer workers are immigrants, the vast majority are in the country legally. So, the farming industry is much less lucrative than you might think at first glance. However, hard workers in specific types of farming can stand to benefit.
For example, organic farming tends to be profitable if you can do it on a large enough scale.
Farming Myths: Now You Know
Clearly, there are lots of farming myths out there. But, with enough information, you’ll know a lot more about farming.
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