You may be tired of paying the hefty electrical bills for your household. Lighting is a significant household expense across the US. You will realize that the idle devices connected to power are to blame for the surge in your electricity bills.
According to a Sydney based electrician, Brian Kelso, from BSK Data & Electrical, households are seeing a noticeable difference in their electricity bills when they convert to LED Lighting and convert from traditional electric hot water systems, over to the super energy-efficient heat pump systems. Just these two things alone have been known to shave up to a quarter of most people’s current electrical bills.
However, you may take some steps to help you avoid parting with a hefty electricity bill. In this case, you have to be smart about your household electricity consumption. It will help if you start by looking at your home’s size and the number of occupants in your household. This way, you can tell if you are using too much electricity and know where to begin.
Thus, it’s upon you to take up the challenge of reducing your electricity usage. It may take time adjusting, but it will eventually pay off. Here are some tips to get you started on your electricity bill reduction challenge.
Eliminate Unused Devices
You may start by walking around your home and looking for devices connected to the power outlets. Take note of all the appliances in your house. Note down the devices in use and the urgency of need.
Devices will tend to consume a lot of power when in standby mode. Unplug all the devices that are not in use and talk to those in your household about saving energy. Cultivate the culture of switching off appliances and unplugging them once they are done using them.
Turn off your TV screen and computer when you are done using them. This is because the screen saver doesn’t help save energy as they still use power for the display. You can use power strips to power devices instead of having them connected to the wall sockets.
Switch Off Unnecessary Lights
Having the lights on throughout will increase your electricity bills tremendously. The bill gets heftier when you use incandescent bulbs. Please turn off the lights in unoccupied rooms and train your household members to turn off the lights when they leave the room.
It would also help if you used energy star approved bulbs. You can choose between fluorescent bulbs and light-emitting diodes that will use less energy to light up your room. You can also choose to use spotlights when lighting specific areas in your room. Use table lamps and under counter lamps for working or use in the kitchen.
Natural Lighting
You can also use natural light to illuminate your house during the day. Natural light will help you to cut down on the cost of your electricity bill significantly. That said, you have large windows in your living room to allow heat and light.
Natural light will help to reduce the running time of your lights and air conditioner. You could have window coverings to control the amount of light getting into your home.
Short Showers
Having a daily hot shower will surely increase the amount of your electricity bills. Thus, it would be best if you spent less time in the shower to minimize energy consumption. Apart from hot showers, you may also require hot water for shaving, brushing teeth, or hand washing.
Thus, ensure that you switch off the taps to minimize hot water usage. You can also opt for smart showers that set a precise temperature for your water. You can also set a timer that allows you to have hot water for a specified time and take less time to heat your water, thus saving energy. Check for any leakages in the faucet and avoid wasting water and energy.
Turn Off Your Air Conditioner
Your household may heavily rely on the AC when for appropriate indoor temperatures. Thus, switch off your AC when not at home to avoid racking up your electrical bill. Switch it off when your home attains the optimum room temperature. Lowering your thermostat by a few degrees will also help to save energy.
Cut Laundry Loads and Use Cold Water
Ensure that you run full laundry loads and have a specific day for the whole household’s laundry. This way, you can avoid using the laundry machine frequently and reduce your electricity consumption. Using cold water for your laundry will also help to save energy used on heating the water.
Repair or Replace Broken Appliances
Faulty appliances tend to use a lot of power to run. Thus, you can call Brisbane Electricians to help you fix your appliances and provide helpful energy-saving tips. Check your AC and clean the filters to ensure that it’s running efficiently without wasting energy. Check your AC and clean the filters to ensure that it’s running efficiently without wasting energy. The above seven tips will help you to save a great deal of money spent on electricity bills. Of course, there are more ways that you can look up on how to save even further. An example is switching from an expensive plan to a cheaper one available within your area. You have a lot of credible electricity comparison sites that can help you compare rates within your locality. An example of such a site is, which enables you to select the best providers that work for you. For instance, if you live in Massachusetts, you are able to compare Massachusetts electric providers to select the cheapest you can get around.