Heart attack, heart failure are contemporary problems that are universal to the whole world cutting countries, oceans, and gender. Male and female both of them are suffering from cardiac issues at present. The problem is not selective to one gender but it has been that most of the patients with heart problems are men.
What does this show about us? In this present generation, hearts are broken, but itself heart is not healthy. It is important to make this current generation understand that breakup will heal in a few weeks or months. But if anything happens to the heart it can even lead to their life.
Why is it women are not much vulnerable to heart diseases, despite the men thinking women to be inferior to them? Before correcting the lifestyle and using pills for ED treatment what needs to be corrected is the outdated mindset which people are not ready to eliminate. For such people, the world is still the same as in the Victorian Age.
They need to update that the world has progressed to the extent in many developed nations women are in key administerial positions such as Prime Minister, Vice President, Finance Minister, etc.
Harmful habits of men that make them more vulnerable to cardiac unrest
The habit of smoking is such a dangerous and life-threatening habit that it has only negative impacts, not a single positive effect on our body.
Most of the men begin smoking in their teenagers with friends, in parties with the thought that they look cool. In the age where hormones have dominated their intelligence and thought process, they cannot choose between good and bad. They visualize the movies in which the hero smokes in with style.
In their subconscious mind, they also want to achieve that milestone. Hence, they also do the same, releasing smoke from the nose and mouth. Slowly this habit becomes addictive, you start with one cigarette a day, then two, then three and after a time even a packet of cigarettes is not enough.
What smoking does is deplete the hemoglobin content from the blood cells. Now the organs that naturally needed oxygenated blood from the heart are not getting it. It creates a situation where the organs are not able to function to their full potential.
And a time comes when the arteries supplying blood to the heart so that the oxygenated blood can be distributed to other parts of the body is blocked. Which ultimately results in heart failure.
Men who take medications like Kamagra oral jelly for ED treatment should avoid smoking otherwise adverse effects of the medication can happen.
Referred as the “gateway to other diseases” obesity remains the undisputed king in the list of problems of men. This one disorder alone has troubled the lives of men to such an extent that not only the physically but mentally as well as erotically men are disturbed.
Obesity is a condition that is caused due to regular or frequent consumption of high-calorie food items or items that have high sugar content. High-calorie food items are centers of bad cholesterol that stick on the mouth of the arteries that supply blood to and from the organs.
Cholesterol is also of two types, good and bad. Good cholesterol is needed by the body in small amounts as storing fats. But the bad one makes life hell. When the cholesterol blocks the opening of the arteries less blood reaches the organs. To compensate the heart has to pump more blood which causes the heart to pump faster.
This increases the pressure on the walls of the heart and the pulmonary veins causing that person high blood pressure and hypertension. Obesity is such a condition that it always causes another disease it. For example, check any obese patient he/she will surely be diagnosed with any other disease such as diabetes mellitus, Erectile Dysfunction, loss of hair, etc.
The condition becomes so worse that they have to become the slaves of pills for everything they do in a day. For a clear and sound inhaling and exhaling process, they need medicines, for the regular digestive process they need a pill. Even for copulation, they require pills like Cenforce 100 and Vidalista 20.
But why men have to undergo more pain?
The reason that why more men’s life is becoming hell due to heart disease is their lack of ability to change according to the situations.
Ask any men to change their eating and drinking habits with healthy food and see the reply it would be full of outdated mindset. Whereas women are more adaptable to situations, there are more women eaters of healthy food than men.
Once known that junk foods are causing damage to their health, they quickly change their daily meal. But men on the other hand get addicted to their food and wine, making them difficult to change.
In this era when every nation is cutting the trans-fat amount from their food, it is better to go with the change than against the current. To do that, there is a need for nothing else than guts. Why so is your question, so the answer is here.
All the foods that you have been marketed by or financed by those that you regard the most in this present world. All of them are regarded to be the best social welfare thinkers. Now, you need to understand that all the disorders are having their role at the back of those. Once you identify the same, it is time to move on in your way and go against the current.
Once you can go, be alerted that you must not show that you are going against them. Prevention is essential as they are holding the entire society. If you go beyond the current and still able to pretend, you are at the safest end in this entire world.
So, do likely and get secured, from health hazards, from disorders and renowned diseases and experience even the same in your financial life. Note here, there is not a better way than keeping yourself away from all these.