Earwax is formed by the glands present in the ear canal. The main function of the earwax is to prevent dust and other foreign particles from entering the inner ear and causing damage to the eardrum. The amount of ear wax that is produced depends on genetic factors just as in hair color and skin color. Let us find out more about earwax and the essential aspects related to it.
What are the causes of an earwax build-up?
Impaction or blockage are the two reasons why it builds up when it goes so deep inside the ear canal. Using cotton swabs or napkin rolls can cause impactions as well. It does remove the wax superficially but at the same time, it pushes the earwax deep inside. If you have been using a hearing aid or earplugs, you are susceptible to earwax blockage.
What are the symptoms that indicate earwax build-up?
There are few ways in which you will know that not all is right inside your ear canal. Some of the signals that your body will send include the following-
- You will feel dizzy
- A feeling of fullness inside your ears or a plugged sensation
- Pain in the ear
- Less audible
- You might also cough at times
- Ringing in the ears is also common
However, there might be other serious symptoms as well and they are-
- Several itching
- Pain that might get worse
- You will notice drainage from the ears.
- If it develops into an infection, you will get a fever as well.
- Sometimes the wax will smell bad.
Possible complications of earwax building up inside the ear
If earwax build-up is not treated on time, you might suffer complications like-
- The eardrum might get perforated
- Infection in the middle ear
- Swimmerās ear or external ear infection
- Permanent hearing loss
When do you need assistance from a medical practitioner?
If you are facing the above symptoms that resemble earwax buildup, it is best not to address the issue all by yourself. Instead, visit an Ear & Allergy Clinic that will offer professional help. Remember, these symptoms can be caused by other ailments as well but to rule out any other disorders, you must find out whether the earwax build-up is the culprit.
Self-prescription is not a wise decision under such circumstances.Waste no time the moment you experience these symptoms below.
- You might have suffered from severe spinning
- Seek prompt help if you are not able to maintain balance
- You are not able to walk
- You are running a very high temperature
- You are vomiting
- Sudden loss of hearing
When you visit your doctor and he finds that your eardrum is not perforated, he might suggest certain home remedies like softening the buildup with the help of few drops of glycerin, mineral oil, or baby oil. Flushing the ear with warm water in a bulb-type syringe can help. However, if you are not confident enough, it is best to get it done by an expert.