Looking at one’s best when heading out is important to any woman around New Zealand. Showing off their latest clothes with stylish shoes, gentle-looking cosmetics and carefully looked after hair are all things that go towards presenting an admired image. Often it is said that jewellery is the crowning glory, being popular over many centuries.
While some love bracelets and bangles, others might prefer a delicate necklace. Watches sometimes make an appearance as well as brooches, but probably the most popular item is earrings, particularly of the diamond variety. There are many different styles of diamond earrings in NZ with something to suit everyone, but here we examine what to consider when purchasing diamond studs.
The earrings will certainly catch the eye, so finding something that is attractive is important. Maybe by visiting a jeweller, that only offers the highest quality items which add the perfect finish to a look. Perhaps a bespoke pair might be considered to really stand out from a crowd, which the best craftsmen will be able to provide. Time should be taken, and advice sought when looking through the whole range which should include looking at the diamonds in different lights to see the effects.
There are times when the jewellery is purchased with a special occasion in mind. Experts will be able to offer a guide with history, trends and design playing a part. Alternatively, they may be a gift to someone special, in which case getting an idea of the style and size that the wearer prefers makes sense. Understanding when and where they will be worn is important as some studs are more practical to wear than others. Maybe they might be as a thank you to a mother who has offered advice on the best primary schools in New Zealand.
It is important to have a budget in mind when heading to a jeweller, who will then be able to offer the correct guidance and not waste the time of each other. The carat weight and size are more important to some than others, as is the shape of the diamond. There are some who care passionately about the source of the stone, as well as its colour and clarity. There is the metal surrounding it and what is the preferred choice? Some, for instance, prefer platinum over gold, while the weight of the metal is also worth bearing in mind.
Maybe a top-of-the-range pair of diamond stud earrings is worth the extra investment of optimal security. The backings also play a part, and again, it can be purely down to personal taste as some find one backing more comfortable than others. They can quickly become very valuable sentimentally to the owner, so offering the most opportunities to wear them is important, perhaps when visiting a local museum.
There are many options available to those who purchase diamond stud earrings, so listening to experts and choosing from a wide range while considering many factors will lead to a happy wearer.