Including photos of your staff is a great approach to give your website a more personal feel and establish trust with your visitors. We are not suggesting that you use a stock shot of a bunch of young, attractive models giving each other a phony high-five while wearing fake grins to represent your business. When we say “real photos,” we’re referring to photos of your actual staff members doing things like working on projects, visiting with clients, and, most importantly, smiling professionally for the camera.
Putting up staff headshots on your company’s website shows that you care about your brand’s image and gives your organization more of a human feel, making it easier for customers to connect with you. FrameShot is a great tool to help you create professional headshots.
What Is A Professional Business Headshot?
A professional headshot photographer takes a portrait of an individual for use in business with the sole aim of showcasing that person’s physical appearance.
With a polished headshot, you can show the world that you mean business. Dressing the part is essential to making a good impression in the business world. A professional headshot demonstrates that you value your work and business relationships. An engaging headshot captures the subject’s identity while also providing a glimpse into their character via the subject’s facial expression and grin.
These days, even entry-level employees may benefit from having a professional headshot taken. Everyone should have one. They serve several purposes and have grown to be an integral element of the commercial world.
Expresses personality
The team’s and company’s character may be better conveyed via headshots than through any other medium. Ideally, the team headshots would reflect the seriousness and professionalism that you want to convey to your business. It’s common practice for legal firms to have their staff dress formally and present themselves as approachable but competent. Photographing your restaurant’s cooks in action in their kitchen is a great idea if you own one.
An expert photographer will be able to direct your team toward the ideal choices in terms of postures, clothing, and backdrop to effectively represent your brand and create a warm and inviting atmosphere for website visitors.
Share your story through your images
Your life has a tale to tell. Your motivations for starting a company and objectives are unique to you. Your brand’s narrative should be reflected in your headshots. Tell your photographer about it so they can give you a story that makes sense. It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Consider the impressions you want to leave with customers once they see your images.
Projects an air of competence
Professionalism is important in business regardless of the service or product being offered. Customers are more likely to buy from you, listen to your advice, and have a positive impression of your business when you conduct yourself professionally.
By having professional headshots done of your staff, you can demonstrate that you care about your brand and your work. If you present yourself in a businesslike manner, customers and even prospective employees will be more receptive to working with you right away.
Final Words
You are a major element of your brand’s image. You want to make the most of the professional headshots you’ve invested in as part of this. For your next round of branded headshots, you should seriously consider hiring a professional photographer.