If you are running a business today, no doubt you’re always looking for new ways to market it. The digital space moves so quickly and easily that it can be hard to keep up.
Well, don’t worry. We have a breakdown of every way you can market your business on the internet, and, even better, tips on how to do it right. Read our guide for all the details.
Having a good business website is Marketing 101 today. A business website establishes you as legitimate and offers your viewers everything they need to know about you.
And what is that? Well, for one thing, they need to know they can trust you. More and more users are looking at websites to research the brand. The state of your website will tell them whether your business is a scam or not. An empty or badly put-together website is a sign of a scam, so make sure it looks professional. Pay attention to the UX/UI design of your website, choose an impactful combination of legible modern fonts, and make sure your site’s color palette works well for your business.
From there, your users will want to know what you’re all about. What do you stand for? In a world where just about everything needs awareness, customers want to know that your priorities align with theirs.
This doesn’t have to be controversial. There are lots of subjects that are universally acknowledged as good deeds, with odd exceptions, such as small business support, minority business support, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly causes. If your products or business operations hit any of those notes, tell your users. You could be using graphics from a small business or creating cruel products. Your audiences want to know that.
Podcasts have taken off in a big way over the past few years. Originally imagined as a blip in the timeline, podcasts have instead exploded as the easiest way to make content. Just about every business now has a podcast as a means of sharing its expertise and insights with either peers or customers.
And who can blame them? Creating a podcast is quite simple. There is minimal editing, and the best podcasts take little to know about the script, you simply sit down and talk for an hour or so. You can record in a podcast studio for a polished and crisp sound or stay at home for comfort and ease.
If you are looking to market a business, creating your own podcast is a great way to do it, but you can also market your business through affiliate marketing on podcasts. You can offer other podcasters a commission based on how much traffic they can direct to your brand’s website. They can do this with a shoutout, or you can pay for a pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad. A lot of listeners for podcasts are doing so while handling other matters that take up their hands but not their minds, like washing dishes or driving, and so can’t skip even if they wanted to, making for a very effective ad campaign.
Blogs are another way that you can share your insight and expertise of your industry with your peers or advice with your audiences, but it’s in text form. This might need a dedicated marketing team member to look after, or a copywriter, as creating so much content while looking after a business can be overwhelming, but it’s also a good way to make it clear that your business is to be taken seriously. Anyone looking at your website with its blog in check will be able to see that you have a lot to say about your industry and are looking to intrigue.
If you were to look at blogs from the other end, for the sake of marketing in, you can indulge in another form of affiliate marketing, where you embed a link in the substance of the text to your site. This is a lot less obvious than podcasting or content creation shoutouts. Your link will be mentioned, and the users will decide if they want to know more about the subject or not and click it, which can make for a lot of users who detest ads visiting your site.
Short-form video content
Short-form video content has changed marketing forever. Users now know the calling cards of an ad and can spot them before the ad even starts, causing them to swipe away from it. This means the point of online marketing has shifted from grabbing the audience’s attention to keeping it. Users don’t want a list of benefits of the product and instead would like an entertaining piece of content to absorb around the marketing points.
If you were to look at Instagram and TikTok, you’d see a lot of this. Products are being marketed in reviews, skits, trends, and more. Cleaning products are part of the #oddlysatisfying trend, Duolingo is making everyone laugh, and BookTok is a phenomenon so big it’s hitting the mainstream.