Online selling is an excellent way to make money working from home. Many people start selling online to bring in a little extra cash. Once a person starts seeing the money rolling in, they quickly realize that selling items online can be more lucrative than working a full-time job outside of the home. One place that people use to sell online is Facebook.
Step One: Create a Facebook Account
People that do not currently have a Facebook account are in the minority. Creating an account is the first step to selling on Facebook. Accounts are easy to set up, and there is no charge. If a person already has an account, they are head of the game.
Step Two: Find Items to Sell
Once the account has been created, a person needs to decide what they will sell. Some people start by selling items they no longer want from around their house. Other people buy items cheaply that they plan to sell online for a profit. A person’s merchandise needs to be physical items legally allowed to be sold.
People cannot sell some items on Facebook. These items include:
- Pets
- Healthcare and medical items
- Services
- Digital items
Step Three: Join Groups or Choose Marketplace
Some people choose to sell solely on the Facebook marketplace, and that is fine. The marketplace is an online store full of all kinds of goods. However, some sellers take it a step farther and join groups created specifically for people to sell items in. In the next step, when the listing is completed, Facebook will ask the seller if they would like to add their listings to their groups.
Step Four: Create a Listing
Step four is where the magic happens. The seller will list their treasures for sale on Facebook in this step. Create a catchy title, a good description, photos of the item, and condition details. The seller will also need to decide if they will offer shipping services or if the buyer will be required to pick the item up.
Listing the brand, color, size, and flaws is essential, as the buyer needs to know all the details about the product they are considering purchasing. In addition, listings should be honest and reasonably priced, as buyers will have an opportunity to rate the buyer and leave feedback after the sale. Buyers who are dishonest about items, who don’t produce the items, or give buyers a negative experience can be banned from selling on Facebook.
A Note About Safety for Sellers
Unfortunately, selling items online can be risky for those who aren’t careful. When selling items through Facebook, make sure that all communication occurs through the app or website. Never give out a cell phone number, email address, or home address. All a hacker needs is a phone number, and they can run wild with the seller’s identity. Shipping items is a safe way to minimize exposure as it keeps people from meeting in person.
If the buyer must pick up the item being sold, meet the buyer in a public place. Police stations and crowded parking lots are good places for item pickups. Consider taking a friend and never go somewhere unknown or to a private residence to make a sale. Lastly, never accept checks or wire transfers, only accept cash. If the item is expensive, consider meeting the buyer at the bank to verify that the money is real.