It’s well known that one of the busiest roadways is in California. Roads and highways have the potential to become quite congested due to the presence of travelers who are passing through the state on vacation, large commercial vehicles that are transporting goods both locally and to the opposite side of the country, and residents who are traveling to or from work or running errands. When a huge number of vehicles are all attempting to share the same roadway, traffic congestion, gridlock, and (most gravely) car accidents will inevitably follow. These incidents may result in fatalities or catastrophic injuries.
Families might be left not only in physical and mental suffering but also in financial stress as a result of the injuries and fatalities that ensue, as they fight to pay for hospital expenses, physical therapy, psychiatric counseling, and other services that are necessary for their lives to return to normal. Injuries to the spine or the brain that are very severe may need the use of wheelchairs, the remodeling of one’s home, the provision of in-home care, the receipt of in-patient treatment, or the supervision of one’s living arrangements.
There are various reasons why people get into car accidents, and numerous methods exist for these accidents. Here are some of the most frequent types of accidents that involve more than one vehicle:
Accidents that involve a vehicle rolling over present an especially hazardous situation for the people inside. Although this category only accounts for a small percentage of all accidents in the United States, it is responsible for almost 35% of all fatalities resulting from motor vehicle collisions. Most people killed in rollover accidents were not wearing their seat belts. As a result, they were ejected from the vehicle when it overturned.
Even though they are sometimes considered “small” incidents, rear-end crashes can sometimes be anything but minor. This is the most common collision involving two vehicles, and it occurs when one vehicle is following another vehicle at an unsafe distance. While the vehicle in front of you slows down or comes to a complete halt, the vehicle behind you keeps driving forward at full speed.
In addition to tailgating, defined as following a vehicle excessively closely, rear-end collisions are typically triggered when the vehicle following another vehicle is not paying attention to what is happening with the traffic in front of the vehicle. National Transportation Safety Board estimates that rear-end crashes are responsible for the fatalities of approximately 1,700 persons yearly.
Side-Impact Collision
Side-impact incidents, also called broadside or T-bone accidents are responsible for approximately a quarter of all occupant deaths in passenger vehicles. When two vehicles collide head-on, the front of one car strikes the side of the other. This type of accident is known as a side-impact collision. When a car’s hit, the occupants seated on the struck side frequently sustain severe injuries. Accidents typically occur near intersections and are triggered when a vehicle fails to surrender the right-of-way to oncoming traffic properly.
Head-On Collision
When two vehicles go in opposite directions and collide, this type of collision is called a head-on collision, also known as a frontal impact collision. Although head-on collisions account only for about 2% of all traffic accidents in the US each year, they are responsible for about 10% of all traffic fatalities. Because of this, head-on collisions are particularly quite dangerous.
The speed at which the two cars were traveling when they collided, and the rate at which they changed course after the collision contributes to the severity of the damage that a head-on collision can cause. On rural two-lane highways, head-on collisions are common because one vehicle must travel in the lane of oncoming traffic to pass another.
Additionally, head-on collisions are common on winding roads because drivers cannot see if someone is approaching the curve from the opposite direction. These collisions are also the consequence of drivers going the wrong way on the road or of a driver abandoning their lane of travel due to an accident, crossing a median, and joining the lane of traffic going the opposite direction.
The sheer number of vehicles involved in multi-car crashes, often known as pileups, is frequently enough to get the media’s attention, even though such accidents are uncommon. These incidents typically occur in locations with a high traffic volume, such as interstate. They may be triggered by a smaller collision involving just one or two vehicles. There is a possibility that there will be stormy weather involved. In an accident of this nature, a comprehensive investigation is required to establish who was responsible.
Hiring a Car Accident Attorney
Accidents involving motor vehicles in California are not always the result of careless driving. Collisions may also be brought on by faulty automobile parts, unsafe road conditions, or even the malfunction of driverless vehicles. In such situations, the crash could have been caused by the vehicle manufacturer or its parts and government entities.
Injured parties involved in a collision with a motor vehicle could require the services of Law Offices of Pius Joseph Personal Injury Attorney specializing in auto accidents to convince their insurer to compensate for all of their financial losses. It may be necessary for the attorney to initiate a personal injury lawsuit to compel the responsible party to compensate the plaintiff for any monetary losses.
Take Away
After a car accident, if you’re debating on whether to hire legal representation, you should, at the very least, discuss the matter with an attorney and consider all of your choices. When you hire the correct attorney to handle your case, you may obtain significantly more compensation than if you were to accept the first offer that an insurance company provides.
While many attorneys may be eager to push for a quick settlement, a professional California Car Accident Attorney will be more interested in getting you the compensation you need. Before agreeing to represent a client, they investigate every case in great detail and use their extensive legal experience to determine the case’s value. This allows them to provide the client with sufficient resources to cover the costs of any and all future care and the psychological costs associated with an accident.