Doing anything for the first time can feel nerve-wracking, and learning to drive is definitely up there in activities that can cause anxiety.
Not only that, but it can feel like there is so much to remember to get it right that you might feel overwhelmed before you have even clicked in your seatbelt.
So, with that in mind, let us look at some top tips to help you learn to drive.
Do Your Research and Give Yourself a Head Start
Knowing the basics is a good way to get you prepared to learn how to drive for a few reasons.
Whether this is studying materials that can help you understand how a car works and what you need to know when you are on the road, to getting into a car with someone you trust (with insurance), and having a go at driving in a safe area.
Hopefully, doing this will help your first driving lesson not to feel so alien, which can help settle nerves and help you feel a little more confident about getting behind the wheel for the first time in a lesson.
Pick Your Instructor Carefully
There is no need to pick the first instructor that you come across or has availability; in fact, it is best you shop around and find an instructor that feels right for you. Some of this judgment will only be made during your first couple of driving lessons which is unavoidable, but other steps you can take to ensure you choose the right instructor for you includes reading reviews on the instructor or the company and asking for personal recommendations from friends and family who have also learned to drive in the area.
Get Yourself a Car
While getting your own car is not essential for learning to drive, if you are able to do it, it can be really beneficial learning in something that is your own and that you will continue to drive after you have passed your test. It also means you can practice whenever you like, rather than only when you have the instructorās car and are in a lesson. This can help keep what you have learned in your lesson solidified in your brain for the next time, as practice is what gets information locked in the memory!
We know it can be expensive to get a car, and it is not an option for everyone, but if you or a guarantor have a good credit rating, then taking out car finance could be an affordable option. If you are planning on purchasing a car after you have finished your driving lessons and passed your test, choosing the car to learn in will only give you the advantage of getting used to it.
Study Theory Right from the Beginning
It can be tempting to leave all the written tests and work until the end, but studying your theory from the beginning will not only help you put it into practice, but it will help you understand the roads much better, which will really help your driving lessons.