Like many cryptocurrencies, many non-fungible tokens have taken the world by storm. Many NFTs have come in value in the millions in a short period. Just to describe NFT, it is another form of a digital asset that is also recorded on a digital ledger which is done with the help of blockchain technology like many other digital currencies. It is quite rare in digital existence and least likely to be replaced by any other digital asset. There is a wide variety of NFTs as digital assets which can range from a photograph to a painting or even a different kind of art. But there are many notable NFTs that are in the digital world and some of them will be mentioned here in the article. For more information, you can visit Bitcoin Loophole.
Where NFTs Can Be Bought?
Different marketplaces exist where you can buy NFT. You require a wallet that is compatible with the cryptocurrencies that it supports that depends upon the blockchain network to make a purchase. You can transfer the funds from the exchange that you have opted for and then connect them to the NFT marketplace. After this stage, you are ready to go to buy an NFT. Many exchanges are there in the digital area to find out the best is your hunt.
CryptoPunk #5822
This is one of the most valuable NFTs of all time. This has topped the list of the most expensive NFT that has ever sold in the crypto market. This NFT was sold for about 8 thousand ETH in February. It was sold to the CEO of the startup of blockchain technology. Its addition is the rarest amongst the editions of aliens. At present, there are only 9 such NFTs in the collection.
Everyday: The First 5000 days
This NFT is a digital artwork that was done by Mike Winkelmann, who is a graphic designer. He is also known as Beeple. The price for which this NFT was sold was 69.3 million dollars in February 2021. An NFT investor named Metakovan bought this NFT through an auction sale which was held at Christie.
Human One
This is another NFT that had broken all the records and was made by Beeple too. Human One is the first artwork that existed in the physical form which was ever created by the Beeple. The auction price for this NFT was 28.9 million that happened at Christie. It is a 3D artwork. Apart from this, it is also a moving sculpture that has four digital screens. To describe this NFT we can say that this NFT is made in video form which is showcasing an astronaut’s journey that he has traveled within a day. This artwork has shown the artistic ambition that goes beyond the digital arena.
TPunk #3442
The selling price of this NFT was around 120 million TRX which was sold in the month of August 2021. The buyer who bought this NFT himself is the CEO of Tron. In the Tron blockchain, this NFT is the most expensive of all. Although did not retain this NFT and later on donated this to APENFT immediately after he bought it.
With the demand for NFTs with time, there is a great craze that is going amongst the people to have possession of these NFTs. I have listed some of the very famous NFTs of all time along with the price at which they have sold as well as their buyers. I hope this piece of information is enough to know about NFTs.