Your home’s HVAC system can become like a reliable member of the family. Getting you through the August heat with air conditioning and the December frost with heat, HVAC units are an important part of the household. However, you may have noticed that your HVAC system isn’t operating as well as when you first had it installed. It may be time to consider maintenance for the system and evaluate what could be causing your unit or ductwork to be giving you trouble. Find a reliable HVAC Marketing Agency online that can provide you with specific services your home needs.
Crud and Dust Clogging Your HVAC

If you notice that your house isn’t warming up to the temperature you need or cooling down, there could be things clogging up your HVAC unit. Air filters within the HVAC system need to be cleaned and swapped out on a regular maintenance schedule. If not, dust, pollen, and other contaminants will continue to block up those filters, impacting your indoor air quality. Having these irritants in the air space could lead to musty odors developing throughout your household, leaving you and your loved ones susceptible to viruses.
Homeowners have turned to UV light air purification technology to remove dangerous airborne particles and volatile organic compounds. Bringing in a licensed technician will also help clean out ductwork, getting rid of any possible allergens that could trigger symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or potentially leading to severe ailments. In conjunction with an HVAC unit, a UV air purifier is the best tandem to make indoor air superior.
Energy Bills Soaring

The greatest tipoff to your HVAC technology not doing its job is your energy bill increasing. If you find that you are cranking up the thermostat and not getting the heat you need, there could be equipment issues impacting your ventilation. If you notice some interesting noises in your indoor environment, it could be linked to your HVAC system. Clanking noises can mean that pieces of equipment are coming loose, like an indoor fan, leading to debris forming internally and requiring a licensed technician to look.
Energy bills may see a slight increase over time as your HVAC unit ages, but if you notice an immediately steep electric bill, take a look at the system or your ductwork for possible cracks. Your energy bill may also be soaring because you keep the HVAC system running at all hours of the day. Your unit should only be functioning while you are in your household. There’s no sense in running it during the day while you’re at work and no one else is home. While you may want to come home to a nice, cool indoor space on a 90-degree day, there are new technological advances that can avoid leaving your air conditioner running all day.
Thermostat Troubles

Sometimes, your HVAC system may be struggling to deliver the proper airflow because of a glitch with your household thermostat. You may have noticed it takes a greater amount of time to heat your house or to have to crank the thermostat higher and higher to get the temps you want. Investigate your thermostat closer, checking for any loose wires or those that are gunked up with crud that could be impacting the connection to the HVAC system.
While the temperature may be right on to the human eye, the location of your thermostat could also be throwing your HVAC system through a loop. Make sure it’s nowhere near a window, door, or anywhere with direct sunlight. This will impact your energy costs almost immediately. Be sure to keep a proper maintenance schedule, clean regularly to avoid mildew and mold, and keep dust out of your indoor air. Along with timely usage and proper thermostat function, your HVAC will work for you.