Dog tags have a largely anachronistic role in the modern military, at least as far as practical matters are concerned. That’s not to say that they weren’t once very important. Nearly half of the soldiers who died in the Civil War were never identified; and while the implementation of an identification system for soldiers didn’t require logistics that complicated, it managed to effectively curb the risk of soldiers dying unknown. But today, DNA testing provides an effective and reliable form of identifying the dead.
Despite that, dog tags persist. They’ve become a symbol inextricably linked with the military, and for good reason. In a system that demands hierarchy, conformity, and utility, dog tags offer a sense of identity without violating those sacred norms. It’s one reason why dog tags have become intermittent fashion symbols, but it’s also a reason why they continue to be implemented by the military and tend to be featured prominently in the public mythology surrounding the military.
Getting a Customized Dog Tag
Everyone who enlists in the armed forces will receive a pair of dog tags to help identify them in the incident of their death or injury, But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make your own, whether to carry as a backup or to put in a shadow box. Companies like USAMM are run by veterans who understand the important symbolic role of dog tags, and the results are dog tags that are authentic to both the purpose and the parameters of military dog tags. No matter what reason you have for ordering a dog tag, you can easily create one that’s indistinguishable from your military issued tags. And if you want, you can create one that’s not military-issue at all and is instead a reflection of your unique personality.
Working Through All the Details
Dog tags aren’t fundamentally complicated items, but the biggest thing distinguishing one from the other comes down to differences between the various armed services. The biggest distinction is that different branches of the armed forces put different identifying information on their dog tags. By going through a reliable manufacturer, you can just follow every step of the building process and choose the branch that you’re enlisted in. You can rest easy knowing that you’ll get a dog tag that’s functionally identical to those handed out by the U.S. military.
Wide Customization Options
The coolest thing about dog tag builders is how much creativity you have to make them your own. USAMM’s EZ Rack Builder – which can be used for building everything from dog tags to shadow boxes – is one of the more effective choices for customizing dog tags. They break down the tags into three component parts and add some serious points of distinction between different dog tags. With the ability to change up the finish, the color and material of the silencer, and the chain, you’re left with a whole lot of range to create a dog tag that’s unique to you.
Dog tags may not technically be necessary anymore, but they’re likely going to continue to be a symbol of the military for a long time to come. Whether you’re a collector, a veteran, or an active service member, there are a lot of reasons why you might want to customize your own dog tag. Just be sure that you go with a company that you can trust, and be sure to do your research before you decide to customize dog tags online. You belong to an option that’s both unique to you and held to high standards of quality.