Server security is of primary priority to every business. Since hackers are always looking for loopholes in the server to intercept data, businesses must emphasize keeping their data safe and server protected. Hackers scan for server vulnerabilities and exploit them by injecting codes that cause the website to crash down.
Protecting data and servers is the need of the hour, which is why we are going over nine tips that will help you secure your server.

So, without further ado, let us look at them:
1. Use secure shell protocol keys
SSH keys are an alternative to traditional passwords. The best thing about using SSH keys is that it has RSA 2048-bit encryption equal to 617 decimal digits.SSH makes hacking extremely difficult, as predicting a 617-digit password is next to impossible without a clue. SSH provides two types of keys, namely: public and private. Public keys are open for sharing and have multiple copies. Your team members can have login access through their copy of the public key while one remains on the server itself. However, private keys are designed for a single user only. It grants access to special privileges that only a private key owner can use it.
2. Use an SSL certificate
SSL certificate secures the data and information transmitted between two systems on the internet. Whether it is server-to-server communication or a server to client communication, SSL security is equally effective in both. During plain/nonsecure data transit, hackers try to steal confidential customer data such as User ID, Password, Credit/Debit card information, etc. SSL, therefore, scrambles the data so that hackers cannot intercept that. With HTTPS in its URL, the SSL certificate grants security and authentication at the same time. You can configure servers based on your likes and choose who can access your website through SSL security.
Ā 3. Use FTPS to transfer data.
If you transfer data to or from a server, you must ensure that it is secure. Many times, hackers intercept data when it is being transferred. To protect your data during transfer, you need File Transfer Protocol Secure. FTPS encrypts and authenticates both command and data channels. FTPS encrypts the data while transferring and makes it impossible for hackers to intercept it. This is why it’s important to get managed file transfer software for your server. However, FTPS only protects your data when it is in transit and not when it is already delivered. Sending encrypted files over the network adds another protective coating to your data.
Ā 4. Install an intrusion prevention software
Apart from installing an SSL certificate, you can install intrusion prevention software that monitors users’ login attempts. Its main aim is to find out suspicious login attempts and restrict or block those IP addresses forever. In general, hackers use brute force attacks, consisting of trying all possible combinations of digits to break the password. If a website has intrusion prevention software installed, it can keep clear of hackers trying to break its login access, keeping them at bay.
5. Install virtual private networks
VPN or virtual private networks allow you to disconnect from the outside world, and you can transfer data among selected users without getting tracked by any outsider. Also, VPNs are not restricted to transferring information between two servers only. You can have multiple accounts transmitting information with ease without getting noticed in the public domain. VPN is equally useful on remote servers too. It facilitates a secure private connection where multiple servers can work in tandem. No hacker can ever trace, intercept, or decrypt the information shared on a VPN.
6. Optimize your passwords
Security protocols are of no use if your password selection is inappropriate. While setting your passwords, make sure that you add more than eight characters. Keep a blend of numbers and alphabets as your password and ensure two-factor authentication each time you log in. Disable auto-fill form options and restrict default and empty passwords as well. Also, enable session timeout after a few minutes of inactivity. By keeping all these boxes checked, you can save yourself from any potential threats and malware attacks. You can also change passwords from time to time to resist attacks.
7.InactivateUnwanted Services
There are plenty of services that have no use in communication. They act as attack vectors through which hackers try to breach through. It is advised to keep these service ports shut down to avoid any such mishap. Keep the network ports disabled as the less number you have on your OS, the better it will be. You should only enable such significant OS components. The best way to do that is by installing a firewall. The firewall will allow only those ports that are necessary for communication and deny all those that are not.
Ā 8. Always Update
Software upgrades are significant to keep servers safe and sound. Although CMS, such as WordPress, automatically updates the software, it is advised that you must do it manually. Manual upgradation allows you to customize your software the way you want. Automatic updates may change your system settings to default, making you vulnerable to attacks. Software updates make it stronger and faster, eliminating bugs and loopholes. Hackers are always on the lookout for such loopholes that allow them to creep in and send malicious codes. One of the significant updates in software is its control panel update. Make sure that you keep it updated all the time.
9. Hide software data
Always keep your server information hidden. After installing software, its version information and number might become visible. Revealing server information makes it easy for hackers to crack the software and eventually crack the website codes. So, keep the server information hidden by removing it from the HTTP header tag in the respective banner.
To conclude
By integrating these tips, you will have a secure server to work on and communicate with. A secure server allows you to gain employee and customer trust, which is essential for business growth. Do make sure that you update your server software periodically and keep your servers safe as houses. Meanwhile, if you are looking for an authentic SSL certificate provider, check out CheapSSLshop as they help you make your server stronger than ever at a much lower price.