It’s not much of a surprise that SEO has changed greatly in the face of COVID-19. Search engine behaviors are changing, users are switching up their routines, and SEO companies are doing their utmost to pivot accordingly.
Even with years of experience in search engine optimization, it’s difficult to tell how deeply the pandemic has changed the industry but SEO experts are noticing some key trends that are having a solid impact on businesses across the globe.
General search traffic is down.
Organic traffic to websites has declined for many industries. This also applies to traffic from social media advertising and PPC. However, to maintain any sort of ROI, SEO consistency is still of the utmost importance. So how do you navigate continuing an SEO service with seemingly diminishing returns? There are a few things to keep in mind, even if you’re experiencing a dip in search traffic.
First, it’s important to keep in mind that SEO is a long-term investment. Even local SEO, which tends to have specifically targeted keywords and can drive “quicker” results is meant to be a commitment. If you want to improveāor maintaināvisibility, you need to keep up your digital marketing efforts. Whether this is strictly on-page SEO or you’re pivoting to social media marketing to connect with your audience, you need to keep it up. If there’s one thing the pandemic has made clearly apparent, it’s that search engine optimization services are here to stay. Search has become more ingrained in the lives of the general public, even if it isn’t leading to immediate conversions or eCommerce gains.
Don’t worry about trying to increase website traffic for the moment. Entrepreneurs and small businesses need to focus on user experience. This means continuing to look to evergreen content as one of your business goals. As a small business owner, you can take solace in the fact that the traffic you’re acquiring right now is even more likely to be highly qualified than in past years.
Long-form content is making gains.
For many in the United States, the general pace of life has slowed. Even if you’re a local business that’s managed to stay open throughout the pandemic, chances are you’ve had a bit of extra time on your hands. The same goes for your consumers. The first step in refining your SEO strategy for your target audience is to rethink your approach to link-building and long-form content.
Many consumers are more likely to take a deeper dive into the information that your online presence offers up. So while technical SEO and the website design are still integral to engine optimization, your content needs to be on your radar as a business owner. This means stronger keyword research and better citations to attract qualified leads.
SEO agencies can still make a massive difference.
Do a quick Google or Bing search for “California SEO agency.” Finding a digital marketing agency is truly that simple and could make a major difference in your site’s performance in local search and global rankings. Whether you’re a startup or a veteran, finding the best SEO service could be the smartest choice you make during this pandemic. This is because the top SEO companies are all keeping their fingers on the pulse of algorithm changes and user behaviors. As SEO shifts, having a local SEO service that can address your needs is likely a smart move.
Of course, don’t forget about web development, on-page SEO services, backlinks, and web design. But as far as general search behaviors, it’s important to understand how COVID-19 is impacting the landscape. It’s also important to understand how to adapt to it.