The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted society in many ways, including our mental health and coping mechanisms. As people around the world grappled with fear, uncertainty, and stress, some turned to alcohol as a way to cope with the challenges of lockdowns, social isolation, and economic hardships. Unfortunately, this unhealthy behavior of alcohol and drug misuse led to an addiction. According to a survey on this topic, nearly 14.1 million people were addicted to alcohol and 8.1 million to illicit drugs at the end of the pandemic.
However, as the pandemic subsided and the world began to return to the new ordinary, many people realized that they may have developed an alcohol misuse disorder. This realization has led to an increasing number of people seeking help from rehab centers as they navigate the aftermath of the pandemic and address their relationship with alcohol.
Alcohol consumption during the pandemic
Alcohol has long been used to cope with stress and emotional pain. During the pandemic, with increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, alcohol consumption escalated for some individuals as they sought relief from the emotional toll of the crisis. Many people drank more frequently and in larger quantities, often to numb the pain or fill the void left by the loss of social connections, routines, and stability. The accessibility and availability of alcohol and the isolation and lack of normal social activities created an environment where excessive drinking became more prevalent.
However, as the pandemic progressed and worldwide lockdowns started gaining traction in every country, some individuals realized their alcohol dependence. This led to some negative experiences like strained relationships, impaired job performance, or declining physical health. Others also realized that what they thought was a coping mechanism during the height of the pandemic has turned into a harmful pattern of alcohol misuse, in the following ways:
Negative consequences
One of the most apparent signs of an alcohol misuse disorder is experiencing negative consequences related to drinking. Therefore, when individuals notice that their drinking is causing problems in various areas of their life, it may prompt them to question their relationship with alcohol and consider the possibility of having an alcohol misuse disorder.
Change in drinking habits
A significant red flag is a change in drinking habits. Individuals may notice that the frequency and quantity of alcohol consumed may increase over time, and individuals may find it challenging to cut down or control their drinking despite their best intentions. These changes in drinking patterns may raise awareness that their alcohol consumption has become problematic.
Withdrawal symptoms and failed attempt to cut down
When individuals who have been drinking heavily or regularly suddenly stop or reduce their alcohol intake, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, and insomnia and psychological symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, depression, and mood swings. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms can be a wake-up call for individuals that their body has become dependent on alcohol. As a result, a rehab center is mandatory to reduce the need for alcohol.
Concern from others
Sometimes, individuals may become aware of their alcohol misuse disorder through concerns expressed by friends, family members, or other loved ones. These concerns may be expressed as confrontations, interventions, or expressions of worry about the individual’s drinking behavior. When multiple people express concern about an individual’s drinking habits or their negative impact on their life, it may serve as a wake-up call and prompt them to recognize that they have a problem with alcohol.
Seeking help from rehab centers
Once individuals recognize that they may have an alcohol misuse disorder, seeking help from rehab centers can be a critical step in their recovery journey. An LA recovery center for drug addiction often provides support and treatment for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. One such rehab facility in Los Angeles is Resurgence Behavioral Health, which provides a range of interventions and evidence-based therapies to fit the individual requirements of each patient and assist them in achieving sobriety.
A resurgence rehab center takes five different approaches for alcohol rehab in Los Angeles, which includes:
Alcohol addiction therapy
It is considered the cornerstone of any addiction recovery plan. Alcohol addiction recovery program includes the following:
– Individual therapy
– Group therapy
– Family therapy
Virtual outpatient alcohol treatment
Virtual outpatient treatment for alcohol addiction is a boon in disguise for individuals seeking treatment from home due to the fear of COVID. It comprises one-on-one sessions with addiction experts and therapists, who provide a comprehensive plan.
Outpatient alcohol treatment
The intensive outpatient treatment at Resurgence is convenient for individuals with work and other life responsibilities. In addition, individuals can live at their residency while receiving treatment for alcohol addiction.
Inpatient alcohol treatment
Resurgence provides the highest level of alcohol addiction treatment in their inpatient or residential programs. In addition, individuals seeking addiction treatment can stay in a residence-type setting, which provides a peaceful and sober environment, ample therapies, proper exercise, and nutrition- an entire recipe for long-term sobriety.
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the lives of millions of people in millions of different ways. While some lost their lives to the COVID virus, others got a second chance at life once they realized their dependence on alcohol and substance abuse. Realizing that one may have an alcohol misuse disorder can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming process. Denial, shame, guilt, and fear of judgment or consequences may be barriers to recognizing and accepting the presence of a problem. However, acknowledging the issue and seeking help from a reputable rehab center like Resurgence Behavioral Health can be a crucial step toward recovery and leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.