Moving to a new home? OK,it isn’t easy – you have to juggle several tasks to ensure a smooth move. However, if you can organize like a pro, half of your job’s already done. While a majority of us aren’t born with elite organizing skills, it doesn’t mean we’ll mess up our moving as well. Making a well-coordinated move isn’t tricky at all if you know how to do it.Let’s look at how you can organize like a pro to make moving easier.
First, take it all in
Take some time to breathe and think as moving day looms on you because it can be physically and emotionally draining. Changing homescan be a momentous task so take a minute to enjoy it before you start feeling the weight. Celebrate the fresh start to your new life and focus on setting up your new home.
Prepare early
You should always declutter and pack in advance – don’t leave these tasks for the last couple of days. Otherwise, you’ll be making it much harder on yourself, and of course, your family. Prepare in phases if you want to get rid of moving stress. The purging process must begin at least two to four weeks before packing. After eliminating the items you won’t be taking to your new home, you can start packing your belongings. But don’t start packing too early. You’ll end up in a sea of boxes full of junk before you know it.
Rent storage near your new home
Why? Trust us; you’ll need it to keep things you don’t immediately need. You can find one easily on the internet. How? Suppose you’re moving to Pottawatomie County in Oklahoma for a new job, and your new home is in a nearby city. Lookup‘self-storage in Shawnee, OK’on Google and rent one close to your new home. That way, your belongings wouldn’t be too far away when you need them. Repeat the same process for any other city in the US, and you’ll have a few good options show up.
Pack by room
This will make unpacking more manageable and keep things streamlined. During the moving process, pack by room to keep your items organized. Ensure that every box has items from a single room to prevent stuff from mixing up. If there’s extra space in a box, no problem. Resist the urge to add additional items from other parts of the house.
Don’t forget to label
You should have a system that tracks your items. This way, when you reach your new home, you don’t have to open every single box to find something you’re looking for.Label all your boxes with numbers and contents, and keep a corresponding checklisthandy for easy reference.
Or, if you’re looking for a better approach, color-code those labels. Color-codingfor rooms will help you spot your belongings on the truck and move them to your new home as you please. Luckily, finding such labels isn’t tricky because retailers like Amazon and Walmart already have them. Another alternative is to use multicolored tape. For instance, use pink for bedrooms, yellow for the kitchen, etc.
Organize essentials separately
Essentials such as personal care bathroom products require special attention. Organize your bathroom products into drawer inserts and store them in bins instead of boxes. When you’re in your new home, all you need to do is unpack the container and put the items where they should be. This technique is effective because free-floating items are the last thing you’d want. You might be unaware of the dimensions of your new drawers and cabinets, so try buying products of a convenient size to fit into spaces.
Declutter comprehensively
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been living in your current home for two years or two decades. There’s a high probability that you have accumulated several things that you may just throw away. So avoid bringing extra stuff into your new home because it’ll just pile things up. If you want to leave no stone unturned, move room by room. Look in every closet, cabinet, drawer, and see if the items fall in one of the following categories: has substantial sentimental value, you love it, you use it. When you’re done, toss out or donate what you don’t need and pack the rest.
Keep contact numbers for every utility company
If you want to transfer or cancel your utilities when you move, ensure that you keep every utility’s information in order. How? By keeping a contact list having numbers for every monthly service provider. Utilities, for example, may include your phone service provider, trashmanagement company, security system, satellite, electricity, gas, water, cable, and internet. After compiling the list, keep it inside your moving binder. You’ll need this when canceling services or informing them of your new billing address.
Changing homes takes effort, time, and the whole process is, without a doubt, quite stressful. Fortunately, these organizing tips can make this process very easy on the nerves. Start planning early. Declutter thoroughly and rent storage space near your new home if need be. Keep a list of essential service providers to notify them of your move. Pack your stuff in properly labeled and color-coded boxes to loading and unpacking more manageable.