If you are looking for a place where to swap your coins, you want to do it with the most profitable conditions. Thus, you need an XMR to BTC exchange that applies a special technology to look for the most convenient conditions for every deal and which allows you to check in advance what you are going to get when the transaction is completed.
Use Live Calculator to Assess the Potential Outcome
First of all, check whether the chosen platform offers a live calculator. This tool is offered by the majority of exchanges. There, you provide:
- The coin that you want to sell.
- The number of coins.
- The coin that you want to purchase.
The result that is displayed is the number of coins that you are going to receive in your wallet. compare these results on different platforms. Choose a platform where the result is higher.
Automatic Choice of the Best Deals
Some platforms such as LetsExchange.io use special technologies to pick the best rates for their clients. Such technology works as follows:
You provide the information needed for the transaction such as:
- The coin to sell.
- The number of coins to sell.
- The coin to buy.
Then, the tool checks available deals on the major exchanges and picks the deal with the most convenient conditions for the user. The user deposits the needed funds, and the transaction is processed.
Of course, you can compare conditions on different exchanges also on your own, you can do it all manually. Now, think about how many exchanges you can check. Maybe 5, in the best case, you can reach 10 exchanges. How much time is it going to take? A couple of hours at least are needed. While you are checking exchange rates might change. While a special tool checks everything automatically within a couple of seconds. You not only save time but avoid errors which are frequent in cases when people try to calculate everything manually.
Live Chart for the Current Information
Most exchanges provide one more special tool that can help you to make the most profitable decision. This tool is called a live chart. This chart provides you with such information as:
- Current prices of coins.
- Graphs showing live price movements.
- The closing price of a specific coin.
By observing the changes and the price movement, you can get a clearer idea about the trends prevailing in the market. If used correctly, this information allows not only to choose the best deals but to choose the best time to exchange your coins.
To Sum up
Almost every exchange provides all the needed information and resources to make your deals as profitable as it is possible. Don’t hesitate to ask and check what options one or another exchange offers. And always swap coins only if you are completely sure that the exchange is safe and offers all the needed functionality. It is much better if a platform offers also educational materials, guides, etc., to help you to get used to the cryptocurrency world.