Ever noticed someone presenting themselves with some weird acronyms like ENEP, INTJ, and the likes? And you’re probably wondering what those acronyms could mean. It’s time to stop being the fool and figure out all about the MBTI personality assessment and Its 16 personalities. So here we go.
In the 1940s, Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Myers, developed a reflective self-report questionnaire that allows people to identify their personality using their strengths and preferences. But before we go any further, allow me to tell you a secret. The Myers-Briggs type indicator does not make one personality inferior to the other. It has nothing to do with people’s weaknesses, and that’s really amazing.
So whether you fall in the INFP type, ENTP, or the other personality type you are no less of a higher-level type.
Let’s see exactly how the MBTI personality assessment works.
Only four categories are considered in the MBTI personality assessment to give you your personality code. What this means is this. One letter is taken from each category to birth 4- letter code that produces 16 personalities type. Let’s find out.
The 4 categories of The MBTI Personality Test
Extraversion or introversion
Does this sound familiar? Several psychological instruments which include the MBTI personality test uses this concept to define people’s personalities. However, there’s a slight change in the use in the MBTI personality assessment.
According to Myers and Briggs, we all exhibit both traits but each one to varying degrees. So what’s the point? Is it your outside world over your inner world?
Thinking or feeling
While some people are prompted to take actions based on facts and logical reasoning, others would consider emotions and people. See the difference?
The former is impersonal and use their thinking functions for whatever decision they are going to take. But it’s not the same for the people who are driven by feelings.
Sensing or intuition
On the surface, the sensing or intuition category looks the same as the thinking or feeling category, but they differ greatly. And just like the first category, we have sensing and intuition but each also to different degrees.
Those with sensing skills give real-life situations quality attention. They derive joy in learning and getting experience. People living with intuition have imaginations, impressions, and patterns as their preference over reality. It’s a no-brainer.
Judging or perceiving
If you’re still finding it difficult to place your finger on your personality type, this last scale will help you riddle it out. Why do I say this? Keep reading to find out.
People who are in the judging category are firm and always structured, but their counterparts remain flexible, adaptable, and open at all times.
The 16 MBTI personality type
INFP- The Mediator
ISTJ – The Inspector
INFJ – The Advocate
ISFJ- The Protector
ISFP – The Artist
ISTP – The Crafter
INTP – The Thinker
INTJ – The Architect
ESTP – The Persuader
ESTJ – The Director
ENFP – The Champion
ESFP – The Performer
ESFJ – The Caregiver
ENTJ – The Commander
ENFJ – The Giver
ENTP – The Debater
Here’s the catch. Once you’ve got the MBTI test taped, Clifton strengths themes are made easy.
Taking the MBTI personality test is super easy and wastes no time. It consists of 88 forced-choice questions and 93 forced-choice questions in the European and North American versions. You can easily find aĀ free personality testĀ online and find out what kind of qualities you possess
Make no mistake. The MBTI personality test has been proven to be reliable and valid all over the world. According to research, about 40% to 80% of those who take the test get a different result after the first trial.
What it means is this. If you got ISFJ in your first test, you’d likely get the same result or something similar to it in your repeated trials. So here’s the kicker. The MBTI personality test has a low inconsistency when compared to other physiological tools used worldwide.
Today, millions of people are discovering their personality codes using the MBTI personality test. Don’t get left out of this building capacity.
Here’s our final word to you- Discover your personality now to appreciate your uniqueness.
Stay safe!