Psoriasis is a deeply frustrating skin disease, noted by scaly red itchy patches on the knees, scalp, neck, and elbows. It in and of itself is not a dangerous disease, but it can be indicative of other health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. There are various ways to treat it, some options with more success than others. One such option is to use triamcinolone, a synthetic glucocorticoid steroid cream that is used to treat skin diseases among other things, which is intended to mimic natural steroid hormones that your body produces. Since it helps treat skin disease, it’s a fair question to ask whether it is a safe, effective means by which to treat psoriasis.
The benefits of using triamcinolone cream to treat your psoriasis
Triamcinolone is generally used to treat psoriasis among other things, though when it comes to using it, there are several ways to apply it. Obviously, one of the ways to apply it is a cream. In addition, you can also use ointments or lotions. All three of these options are used by applying a thin film of the triamcinolone to the affected areas, though be careful that you do not apply too much at any one time and rub it into the skin very gently. Meanwhile, a spray can be applied to the affected area by holding the can three to six inches away and keep your eyes protected in order to reduce the risk of being affected by the vapors from the aerosol. Aerosol is flammable, so be very careful that you are not using it near any kind of open flame. This is the proper method by which to use it if you are applying it to the knees, neck, or elbows. If you have psoriasis on your scalp however, you should use either a lotion or a spray. To use them, make sure to part your hair and apply either the spray or the lotion to the affected areas on your scalp. For all of these, make sure that none of these get into your eyes. After using it, wash your hands thoroughly. If the cream gets into your eyes, immediately go and wash your eyes out. Triamcinolone come in other forms, including nasal sprays, dental pastes, and injections, which your doctor may prescribe if the psoriasis calls for it.
One thing that is important to understand about any medication that you take is that it is possible to be allergic to triamcinolone cream, a fact that you can only discern through use or getting tested for this by your doctor. Your doctor will also help you figure out if triamcinolone cream is safe to use with other types of medicines that you are taking. You should also be mindful of the strength of the triamcinolone you choose, as not all triamcinolone has the exact same level of strength. You should also consult with your doctor if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant during the use of the cream. Do not double dose in the event that you missed an earlier dose as it will not have any benefits for having done so and may produce negatives. Your doctor can also explain to you various side effects that could come with the use of triamcinolone cream, which include hair growth, various sensations such as burning, itching, and irritation. One of the more major side effects that come with the use of triamcinolone cream is that it may result in your immune system being weakened, which could in turn lead to an infection. You may also experience some skin issues, such as acne, a rash, small white or red bumps on your skin. A severe rash or any signs of infection should lead you to consult your doctor to inform them. This is especially true for children, as they are affected in different ways than adults are by medications, and this includes triamcinolone cream.
In the event that you cannot take triamcinolone safely regardless of the application method, your next best bet is to explore alternatives to dealing with your psoriasis, such as betamethasone, which is also a topical corticosteroid like triamcinolone. Another thing you can take is ophthalmic corticosteroids, which include prednisolone and dexamethasone. Other types of corticosteroids include intramuscular or intralesional corticosteroids. If you cannot take corticosteroids, you can also try coal tar, keratolytic agents, vitamin D analogs, and other options. You can even use artificial tears. The solutions that come most recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology are methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin, although you must be mindful of whether these drugs will have any negative interactions when combined with other drugs that you are taking.
Other methods of treating psoriasis
Beyond triamcinolone cream, there are other options that you can take in addition to the cream in order to deal with your psoriasis. Ultimately, the goal of any treatment method is to make sure that the skin cells on the affected areas do not grow too quickly, as well as to remove the scales that have formed. A doctor may prescribe an oral alternative to a cream, for instance, or may even propose light therapy as a solution, which involves a controlled amount of natural and/or artificial light which can help reduce the severity of your psoriasis, especially if you use it in conjunction with other types of treatment. Triamcinolone is best used for mild to moderate psoriasis; if it gets more severe, it may not be the best solution available anymore. Being that stress is a potential cause of psoriasis, a good approach, something non-medical that you can do, is to just try to reduce the amount of stress that you experience in your day-to-day life. This may involve avoiding potential stress triggers or it may also involve learning new stress reduction techniques to help you manage the stress when it occurs.
Injuries can be the result of many things, including exposure to cigarette smoke (secondhand or otherwise), alcohol consumption, an injury, alcohol, dry weather, infections, or others. One thing to understand is that psoriasis is not contagious, and as such, it is not possible to receive it from or transmit it to others. If you feel that another party is responsible for an injury you sustained, such as a cut that leads you to developing psoriasis, you can contact the accident and injury law firm of Terry Bryant in order to get compensation for the damages caused. We will work as hard as we are able to get you an outcome that you are satisfied with.