There are nearly 2 billion websites on the internet. That means that, if you want to have a website that generates traffic, you have to build it from the ground up with website functionality in mind.
Doing this can be easier said than done. This is especially true if you’re new to website design and development, as figuring out where to even begin can be tricky.
The good news? We can help you out!
In this article, we’ll tell you what you can do to improve your website’s functionality. We’ll tell you what tips work, as breakdown a few simple things that you can do in a few hours to make your website run more smoothly.
Study the Best Websites for Ideas
Haven’t built your website yet? Looking for good ideas or some inspiration? If so, consider studying the best websites on the web for design tips.
To get better ideas for your particular niche, and your website, studying the best sites in your niche is more than a good idea. With that being said, you don’t have to limit yourself to websites that only exist in your niche for ideas and inspiration.
A pro tip? Take a look at the websites that you visit most frequently and jot down some things you like about them. Your notes could be about layouts or color schemes, it just depends on what you like about certain websites.
Then, you can use that information to craft a unique plan (and design) for your website.
Only Use Responsive Website Themes
There are literally thousands of website themes available online. Downloading a free one and installing it for your site is more than okay, especially if you’re working on a budget.
There are some things you need to keep in mind when downloading and installing themes. The most important? Using a responsive website theme for your site.
With a responsive theme, your site will look great on all devices. That means that, doesnāt Ā matter what users are using to browse your site, it’ll look and respond the way that you want it to.
This will ensure that users get a positive user experience when browsing your site. That will, in return, making it easier for you to get conversions, which is the overall goal of your website.
Consider Using Whitespace Design
Looking to make your website look and feel professional? Need some help with the overall design and layout of your site? Make things easier on yourself by going with a whitespace design website.
A whitespace design website is simple: it’s a website where the background of the site is the color white. Doing that will make your site’s elements flow together more easily. It’ll also look professional and inviting, which is an added bonus.
Going with a colored background can be tricky. It can also make your site look amateurish or dated, which isn’t what you want to do. So, stick with a white background so you can ensure that your website stands out in a positive way.
Limit Your Media File Usage
No website is complete without media files. Things like pictures and videos are a must-have in 2021, especially if you want a site that users find engaging and interesting.
With that in mind, it is possible to go overboard with your media file usage. And too many media files can not only distract your users but also slow down your website download speeds.
Our advice? Limit yourself to one or two media files per page. Going with more media files is usually too much, so stick with that two or less rule, just to be safe.
Make Your Site Fast and Secure
As a website owner, there are a few things that should be at the top of your priority list. Not too many are more important than a website that runs fast and is secure for users to browse.
Having a website that is secure can be tricky, especially if you’re selling goods on your site. Leaning on the help of your hosting provider, and their support staff is recommended.
Having a website that runs fast is a bit easier. The good news? Doing things like having a responsive website theme, and limiting media files, will go along way in making your site load fast.
Utilize Share and Follow Buttons
Want to get tons of traffic on your site via social media? Want to grow your follower counts on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter? Make sure to utilize share and follow buttons on your site to make it easier for users to share and follow your brand.
Doing this is as easy and tweaking settings in the theme panel for your website’s theme. After playing around for a bit, you should find the settings that you’re looking for, although contacting technical support is also an option.
Looking for some useful tools that you can use to track your users more carefully? Consider going with a heatmap from, as it’ll give you more detailed information about your users and their browsing habits than traditional analytics will.
Still Need Help Improving Website Functionality?
As you can see, improving website functionality is a big-time job. Doing takes a great deal of time, and some expertise, too, which can make it tough if you’re not experienced with web design.
With that in mind, if you stick to the ideas on this list, you should be able to improve your website in only a few hours.