There are many devices connected in the Industrial Internet of Things for the purposes of collecting and analyzing data for easier delivery of services. The connection of these devices helps communication between processes in the industry become easier through new insights and optimization of processes. The devices connected range from small sensors to the most sophisticated machines in the plant.
If you connect the devices properly, you can have smarter, more efficient operating environments in the manufacturing plant, power stations, utility delivery, and more. You can use predictive maintenance to try and control the expenses incurred while trying to run a smooth operation.
What is IIoT security?
This is the ability of devices to communicate and transmit data securely within a private network in a company without fear of breach or hacking. At first, when companies started adopting IIoT, they did not consider security. Eventually, as time went by, the need to keep the data within the company in a secure way became a priority. The idea of security is to keep the data away from competitors, hackers, or even rogue employees. If you have a secure data network you can ensure all devices only operate within the parameters of your private network.
The thing about security in IIoT is that you need to know your network. You need to know how to install and connect the devices to your network and how they work perfectly. Failure to understand this might cause a security risk which is not something you want to be dealing with. You also need to update the devices on the connection so they can be able to run on the latest software to heighten the IIoT security.
The more devices you have the more the risk of a security breach. If you have many devices connected to your private network, you need to reduce the chance of vulnerability by reading manuals and correctly installing the devices. After connection, you have to read and understand all the security protocols that will keep your device from being compromised. For example, if you have sensors in a beer processing plant for packaging, you need to program the device to pack 24 beers per case and move it. However, if someone can remotely tamper with the machine, you can have cases with less beer, which is bad for business because the network might not be secure.
You need to segment your network. Hackers can infiltrate your network through different devices in the network. For example, they can deploy a Trojan malware to gain access to the network that is within the office laptops and IIoT devices. Therefore, it is advisable to run the IIoT devices on a separate server from the office laptops and computers to avoid hackers accessing all your data at once.
According to Netop Remote Control, the security issues that come with IIoT devices can be solved if you take the installation processes seriously. It is important to care for your machinery and trade secrets to avoid breaches.