Back pain is never fun, and no one should have to just sit and suffer in silence! There are plenty of different ways to help out that persisting pain that you’ve been ignoring for quite enough time, and if you’re curious as to what those ways might be, then you’ve come to just the right corner of the internet! Here are a few exercises and tips to ensure that your back pain is relieved, if not cured, as soon as it possibly can be. You’ll be back to walking, sitting, sleeping and working exactly as you were before with these methods on your side…
Switch Up your Sleeping Position
If you think about how much time we spend lying down fast asleep, you’ll realise that how and where we do it makes such an impact on our overall physical wellbeing. Laying in the wrong position can cause you years of damage and pain without you even cluing onto it! Try adjusting your position as you’re drifting off, of course it’s difficult to monitor when you’re sleeping but you can set yourself up for a safest and comfortable night’s dreaming. Roll onto your side with your neck supported to relieve your spine and protect your back muscles. This can make a huge difference.
Work on your Posture
Posture is very, very important, people! We’re all craning our heads down scrolling on our phones, hunched over at our desks or even just chilling out and reading, pretty much every day – not good for our necks or our backs in the long run. Your head is incredible weighty, and by just positioning your chin downwards you’re added kilos of extra baggage to your already incredibly hardworking spine. Be mindful and correct your posture whenever you can. Try switching to a standing desk, wearing comfortable shoe inserts, swapping your office chair for an ergonomic model or just hold whatever’s entertaining you in front of your face, instead of below. This is a fantastic habit to get into and it will serve you well for literally the rest of your life, so get correcting, whether you have back pain or not!
Stretching is so helpful for back pain, now, this usually should be done with the guidance of a medical professional on your side, however, a few gentle stretches can help you to relive the terrible back pain you’re suffering from right now. Try standing straight with your feet hip width apart and slowly rolling down, vertebra by vertebra, very slowly. Hanging with your head upside down can really help to take all pressure off your muscles and stretch your spine. Alternately, lie flat on the floor and spread your arms out in a T position. Bring one leg up to 90 degrees and move it over to the other side of your body, laying it on the floor if you can. This is great for stretching your lower back and relieving tension in your shoulders. Switch to the other side after thirty seconds.
Try to Stay Active
It can be tempting to put your body into retirement once you’re feeling some major back pain, but you should still try to get some light movement in throughout the day. Staying too still or just lazing on the couch will do you no favours, whereas a brisk walk or even just a short stroll can help to keep the rest of your body fighting fit.
Seek Professional Help
If you want to treat your back pain for good, then you need to seek the help of a physiotherapist. Physio helps to cure your body holistically and thoroughly, treating your body as a whole to effectively and quickly heal pain. This method also ensures that it doesn’t come back again. Your exercise form, posture, flexibility and sleep position will all be addressed and corrected, making your life happier and healthier!
Over the Counter Pain Medication
Looking for a really quick fix? Take some anti inflammatory over the counter pain medication to tide you over until your next trip to the physio.