Driving for a living is tough work, and small mistakes can be deadly.
Drivers who are motivated and have high morale are less likely to be a risk on the road, andthey’re less likely to take risks and to create them by doing dangerous things (such as drinking alcohol on shift or using a mobile device while driving).
Here are six ways you can improve the performance of your fleet to keep morale up and boost safety.
Fit A GPS System
Fitting a GPS system to your fleet is one of the best ways to improve the performance of your drivers. GPS fleet tracking with cameras offers flexible options to drivers and route managers to ensure that they are covered both for a change of route as well as having some cover for blame when it comes to accidents.
Dashcams and the like will make drivers feel safer, and GPS trackers will allow managers back at base to monitor journeys for any issues arising.
Be Prepared To Change Routes
Following straight on from GPS tracking is the need to check the route and be prepared to change it mid-way. No one likes getting stuck in miles of tailbacks;it’s bad for drivers, it’s bad for vehicles, it’s bad for business, and it’s really bad for the environment.
Having an open line of communication with your drivers when it comes to checking the route is essential to boost morale and mitigate risk.
Encourage Better Driving By Offering Rewards
There’s nothing like a little reward to make people want to work better!
Rewards come in all shapes and sizes and should be awarded on good driving rather than fast driving. You may wish to consider a monetary reward (such as a bonus scheme) or a physical reward such as a prize. If you’re going down the physical reward path, make sure it’s a reward that drivers actually want rather than a printed certificate.
Plan In Adequate Rest Breaks
Tiredness can kill on the roads, and every year there are reports of accidents from drivers falling asleep at the wheel, especially truck drivers.
There really is no excuse for this, and it’s up to the fleet managers to ensure that drivers have planned in enough rest breaks to keep them awake and alert.
Take Driver Education Seriously
The better educated your drivers are, the better their driving will be. It’s easy to become complacent when you’re driving for hours a day every day and even easier to miss the simple things.
Invest in good driver training with real-world examples and hazard perceptions; it will make a world of difference to your fleet.
Keep Vehicles In Good Repair
Another huge bugbear of professional drivers is driving vehicles that always break down. This is an issue for businesses, too, as there is a knock-on effect on the supply chain.
Keeping your vehicles in good repair may have some upfront costs, but they will definitely even out over time with more reliable vehicles.