Finding a person’s email on LinkedIn very fast is possible. If you have spent many hours on the platform to find contact info, you most likely are aware of how much time you have wasted – time you could have otherwise used selling or nurturing ideas. Salespeople should spend less than 10 minutes finding hundreds of LinkedIn email addresses and creating a lead list. You can do the same if you follow the advice provided below. Moreover, you could use this Chrome extension or this Mozilla extension for help as well.
Where emails hide on LinkedIn
When trying to find an email on LinkedIn, checking profiles is a must. However, many sales reps have the tendency not to look at the profiles’ most obvious spots where contact details can be. Here are these spots:
Contact info section
Look at the contact info section; this where users usually share things about who they are. Not only email addresses can be hidden here, but also links to their company’s websites, their other social media profiles, their phone number, and much more. The Contact Info section is in plain sight, after all.
Banner picture
If you had no luck with the Contact Info section, have a look at the person’s banner. Many B2B professionals decide to invest good money in banners that hide their contact info. Always check the banner when there’s nothing in the Contact Info section.
LinkedIn bio
Don’t give up until you have checked their bio too. Some users put their contact details in the bio to make it look like a call to action. Giving the bio a try is surely worth it because many users share their contact here.
What to do when the email is not public
Some users don’t make their email addresses public because they don’t want to get too many sales pitches. It sounds frustrating indeed, but don’t despair, as you have some options. Here’s what you could do in this situation:
Use a LinkedIn email extraction tool
Don’t try too much to figure out someone’s email address from LinkedIn on your own because you could use an email extractor extension with your browser. Perhaps you have already tested a few of such tools by now, so you know how much time they can save you, not to mention they provide valuable information.
Try guessing
No matter what, don’t fret. Try the technique that every sales rep rightfully hates, and that is guessing your lead’s email format and use an email verification tool to determine if it’s right. Here’s how you can guess: Go with the common format. Check their company’s LinkedIn page and look at other employees’ profiles to see an email format. Pay close attention to this format. It easy to predict a lead’s email this way. Try many formats. If you can’t find the email format by checking other employees’ pages, just try guessing formats at random. Keep in mind companies don’t use the same email formats for their different departments, so there are many possibilities, but the lead’s profile info may come in handy.
Looking for emails in bulk
If you don’t know it yet, LinkedIn lets you extract your first-degree connections’ data at once, contact info included. It’s simple to do and takes less than 5 minutes. Here’s how to use this method: Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to Settings & Privacy. On the “How LinkedIn uses your data page,” go to “Get a copy of your data” for a spreadsheet with the public information of your connection to be sent to you after, in 24 hours or less
As soon as you have the spreadsheet, check the emails on it. Not all of them can be of use, so enriching contacts in bulk is the next step. Check online the tools that could help you enrich your contacts in the number of thousands after the accounts and leads have been transferred to the CRM database.
Exporting to the CRM
If you are using Salesforce with Sales Navigator, then you are most likely wondering how you can find LinkedIn emails in bulk and improve your CRM. Sales Navigator allows the two tools to be synced, but this doesn’t mean it can improve your sales. Here’s how you could do this on your own. Create your lead list by using the advanced search features of Sales Navigator Sync the connection of Sales Navigator with those of SalesforceAs soon as your Salesforce CRM has all your leads, use a tool to enrich the thousands of contacts or accounts, all at once or a list at a time.
What to keep in mind when getting emails from LinkedIn
You could use one of the above methods to get emails from LinkedIn, or you could use them all. As a matter of fact, it is recommended to use them all. Here are the things to remember when doing so: Giving up is not an option. You need to test every method you know of and stop at those that bring you the fastest results. Bulk enrichment is sometimes quicker. Email extraction tools are a must because they help you find your contacts in less time.
That’s pretty much it, so good luck searching!