In 2017, 19.7 million Americans struggled with some sort of substance disorder. Today, millions of lives are still being destroyed by addictive substances.
If someone close to you is struggling with addiction, you know the heartache that comes along with it. You desperately want them to get the help they need, but they’re stubborn, vacant, or in denial. You aren’t sure how to get through to them.
Talking about rehab to a loved one can be a difficult subject, but there are ways that make it easier and more effective. Here, we’re going to give you some tips about approaching rehab with someone important in your life. Keep reading to learn more.
Educate Yourself First
There are a lot of misconceptions about addiction. That’s why it’s crucial that you do the research yourself and learn all that you can about the problem. Familiarize yourself with the National Institute of Drug Abuse by reading the research studies that they have conducted.
You won’t be able to help the person if you don’t understand addiction itself first. Even if the addict himself doesn’t understand, you’ll be more accepting of their actions and feelings and won’t become easily frustrated.
Come From a Place of Love
An addict will have a hard time accepting conversations about rehab if you approach it with frustration and anger, or make them feel guilty. Remember, they’re hurting just as much as you are, so make sure that you come from a place of love and make them feel like they’re a person.
Sit them down, remind them of all the great things in life that they’re missing out on, and then reassure them that you’ll be there to help them out along the way. Being a good friend or family member will go much further than getting angry.
Help Them Find Treatment
Make sure you’ve done your research on treatment and rehab centers before you start the conversation. Here are a few things to consider before choosing a drug rehab:
- location
- price and payment plans
- in-patient or out-patient
- treatment types
- availability
Check out this non 12 step recovery with an individualized approach to see if it might work for the person in your life.
Then, when you approach the idea of rehab to your loved one, you’ll have something to go off of rather than just having an idea. Concrete examples of real rehabs around you are the best way to show an addict how serious you are about the problem.
Most importantly, don’t let them go it alone. Offer to take them to the addiction rehabilitation centers, watch over their kids or pets, or make further arrangements before their leave.
Take Advantage of Great Rehab Centers
Recovery is possible, but your loved one desperately needs your help to know that they are loved, supported, and important. Now that you know these basic tips about approaching rehab, you’re that much closer to getting your friend or family member the help they need and deserve.
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