We all have days when we don’t feel our best. And as unpleasant as waking up on the wrong side of the bed can be, as long as it’s not an everyday occurrence, there’s nothing to worry about.
Low self-esteem, on the other hand, is another matter entirely. This is a low opinion of yourself that can permeate your entire life, preventing you from reaching your potential and even damaging your health.
If you suffer from low self-worth, it’s important to take steps to improve self-esteem – and we’re here to help you do it! Read on to learn a few self-esteem tips that will help you start feeling better about yourself today.
Change Your Self-Talk
Changing your self-talk is easier said than done, especially if your inner voice has been bullying you for years. But remember, your inner voice isn’t some disembodied being living in your mind, it’s you!
Instead of being your own bully, it’s time to be your own best friend. Picture the person you love most in your mind – would you ever speak to them the way you speak to yourself? Of course not.
It can also be helpful to imagine your child-self. Look at a picture of yourself as a young child if it helps.
How would you respond if you heard this child talking about themselves the way you do? You’re still that person. Follow your own advice.
Add Exercise to Your Routine
Exercise truly is the best medicine there is. A little movement every day can do wonders, both for your body and your mind.
This is because exercise not only improves your fitness but causes your brain to release hormones that boost happiness and improve confidence.
For the best results, aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity per week. This might seem like a lot, but it’s only 30 minutes a day! Take a walk, go for a swim, ride your bike, whatever activity you enjoy most.
Do What Makes You Happy
Far too often, we allow what others think of us and our lives to affect how we feel about ourselves. It’s your body, your personality, your life! Do whatever makes you happy and ignore what anyone else thinks.
If covering your body in tattoos makes you feel good about yourself, you should do it! Always wanted to sell your belongings and travel full-time in a van? It’s time to get started. If facelift surgery by a board-certified plastic surgeon would make you more confident, get it.
The bottom line is, the person who should get the final say in your lifestyle, fashion, and other personal choices is you.
Become Your Best Self With These Tips to Improve Self-Esteem
Even the most confident people in the world have low days, but if you find yourself constantly doubting or talking down to yourself, it’s time to make a change.
By taking small steps to improve self-esteem, you might just find that learning how to be more confident isn’t as impossible as you once thought.
Looking for more advice and ideas to help you become your best self? Be sure to check out our blog!