We’ve all experienced appliance breakdowns – and we hate it. Your washer suddenly conks out with heaps of dirty clothes due for laundry. The refrigerator stops cooling right after restocking it with perishable goods. Or your dishwasher shuts down in the middle of a party. No one wants to be in such a situation.
But one thing many people don’t realize is that many appliance malfunctions are actually avoidable. With proper maintenance and a little TLC, you can ensure your appliances are in good working condition for a long time.
Proper care and maintenance of home appliances are just as important as buying them. While electrical appliances are designed to be durable, they all require regular maintenance. But it doesn’t mean calling up a serviceman and paying a hefty bill every so often. Instead, there are DIY appliance maintenance tasks that require no prior experience and major expenses.
Here are some DIY appliance maintenance tasks you can do to keep your appliances in tiptop shape.
Check and clean the refrigerator’s rubber gaskets
Refrigerators and freezers are designed to last for up to 13 years. The secret to maximizing the longevity of your fridge is actually very simple – regularly cleaning the rubber gaskets. Scrub off food particles, dirt, grease, and debris with warm water and soap. Use a towel to dry up the gasket. Keeping the gasket clean and intact ensures the doors seal tight for better temperature control.
Keep refrigerator coils clean
Air exchange happens in the refrigerator coil, so you have to keep it clean. If the fridge doesn’t provide enough cooling, suspect the coils. In fact, almost half of refrigerator problems affect the coils. Depending on the type of your fridge, the coils can be located either behind the grille or on the back of the unit. To clean it, simply stick it in the vacuum to remove dust and dirt. Cleaning the coils also ensures the fridge works efficiently thereby saving you money on power bills.
Clean the AC filter
Ensure optimum airflow by regularly cleaning the air conditioner filters. Vacuum clean reusable filter at least once or twice a month. If your unit uses disposable filters, simply remove them and replace them with a new one.
Wipe off spills on your stovetop
This is the simplest way to keep your stovetop working for a long time. Detach the drip bowls of your stovetop and soak them in water and cleaning agent for at least five minutes. Soaking the drip bowl makes it easier to remove sticky food particles and gunk. You can further avoid stove problems by wiping off spillage on the stove immediately. Leaving the drip bowls filled with debris can lead to clogging.
Don’t overload the washer and dryer
Many homeowners think that they can save on detergent, water, energy, and time by cramming all their clothes into one load. Sure it can cut the time needed to wait. But certified technicians from Hartman’s appliance repair company remind homeowners that overloading your washer or dryer can cause damage to the appliance’s moving parts. Avoid costly repair (or replacement) by following the recommended load.
Check the washing machine hoses
Regularly inspect the washing machine hoses to prevent any kind of leakage. Check for kinks or buildups that can impede the proper flow of water. Inspect for any cracks or leaks that can lead to flooding. If the hose has any signs of a leak, replace it immediately. Likewise, hoses that are older than five years should be changed as they tend to get brittle over time.
Keep washers and dryers level
Equipped with powerful motors, washers, and dryers can vibrate vigorously if they are not set evenly on the floor. If the unit is constantly wiggling, it can cause damage to its motor and mechanical parts. Making sure that these appliances are level is an important DIY maintenance hack that you can do.
Avoid slamming the doors
Whether it is the microwave or the dryer or washer, always gently close the lid or door of your appliance. Slamming the door can damage sensitive electronic and electrical parts that are often located beside the door. Whenever using these appliances, gently close the door.
Replace the water filter
Most washers are designed with water filters. Make sure you change these filters at least four times every year, depending on how often you use the washer. Don’t wait for the filters to get clogged up. Check the water filter always.
These are the most important DIY appliance maintenance tasks you should know. A quick rundown of these hacks suggests one thing – it’s that appliance maintenance is due to our bad habits. If you want to make the most of your appliances, be sure to follow these tips above.