Most people never stop to think about how enormous the market for furniture stores is. Every year, the United States alone has a furniture store industry that generates above $76 billion!
One reason that this market is so huge is that people want a wide variety of styles. When it comes to the console table, there are a lot of possibilities for how to style it. Learning about these possibilities can help you zero in on the best option for your home.
So what are some of the best styling tips you can apply to your console table? Read on to learn all about the most important things to understand about how to present your console table as well as possible!
Use Different Console Table Styling Techniques
Many people struggle to come up with the perfect way of styling their tables. However, it is important to think of your console table as having the potential for many styles over time. Instead of having to find the best possible style, you can instead play with a variety of styles as your own sense of aesthetics changes.
This is even more important when you account for how our impression of beauty changes with familiarity. Even if you find the perfect style for your console table, you will probably stop enjoying it as much after a few weeks or months.
If you really love it, it might even take years, but you will sooner or later find that the style that seemed so perfect no longer seems as interesting. There is no reason to wait until an old style gets old and dried out before you try something new. You can prepare in advance to try out multiple styles with your console table.
Focus On Styling a Console Table So It Matches
Styling trends are always changing, but some things stay the same. Unless you are aiming at a specific target, it is often a good idea to focus on making your console table match with everything else.
Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule. Rather, it is a generally good idea. Depending on your situation, you might even start out by designing your console table to match everything else, only to change it later.
Many styles start with a strong foundation of similarity only to add a brilliant piece of contrast to mix things up.
This is another reason that there is no one best style for setting up your console table. What might look perfect in one home may look very different in another room. Therefore, you should look at the rest of your home design to help you decide how to style your table.
Understand How to Style a Sofa Table With Contrast
Many people prefer to make bolder style choices with their console tables. Although it can be more difficult to make a contrasting style work, the results are often worth it.
However, it is impossible to have contrast without having something to contrast against. That means that this style will also require you to look at the rest of your home and get a sense of its general style.
If you want your console table to stand out, you will need to avoid some of the typical decisions that you make when styling your home. For example, if your home uses a lot of smooth and sleek textures, you might experiment with filling your console table with rugged and rough textures.
Or, if the rest of your home is full of matching colors, you might decide to spice up your console table with a wide variety of different colors.
Try Out More Exotic Interior Design Trends
A console table typically takes up only a small fraction of the room. That makes it an ideal place for small experiments in unusual styling. If you like, you can try using your console table to display unusual and artistic objects from around the world.
Not everyone is prepared to fill their home with unusual objects from different cultures. However, a single console table might be a great way to add something more exotic to your home.
Use Minimalist Media Cabinet Styling Options
In recent years, there has been an increase in minimalist trends. One of the great advantages of minimalist design is that it is simple. Rather than trying to figure out what to include on your console table, you can focus on what you can subtract.
The minimalist style requires that everything has a reason for beingĀ where it is. Unless you feel strongly about having something specific on your console table, consider removing it. This can contribute to a simple and modern aesthetic.
Experiment With Maximalist Console Table Styling
On the other hand, maximalist styles are starting to become more common. In these styles, you fill your console table with a wide variety of interesting objects and ornaments.
You may not want to use a maximalist style forever. But you can experiment with it as you try out a variety of options. Of course, your style choices will be strongly affected by where you find your furniture.Ā Check outĀ Modern DigsĀ and otherĀ locations for your console table options.
Understand the Top Tips for Styling a Console Table
Learning about how to style a console table can help you bring the whole style of your home together.Ā There areĀ many different ideas for styling console tables, so familiarizing yourself with them is the best way to get a sense of which direction you want to take your own console table in.
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