Want to see the complete picture of your marketing performance? If you use various channels for communication with your customers, you need to fill the gap between different data sources. One of the solutions is call tracking software. It connects online and offline communication with your audience. Thanks to it, you can see what ads and other marketing means lead to the expected behavior and what triggers work the best.
Significance of the tracking software for your marketing results
It seems obvious what are the purposes of the call tracking. However, you might underestimate its marketing significance in scale. Here are the key benefits of the tracking software:
- Improving the ROI rates. With tracking software, you will see what campaigns, ads, keywords, etc., bring leads to you. Having access to all the tracking information, you will be able to define what approaches you should focus on and what campaigns require optimization. Information about your strengths as well as the audience’s pain points opens limitless opportunities for boosting ROI.
- Tracking the customer journey. Filling the gaps between your target customers’ online and offline behavior, you can map their journey more precisely. It is essential not to miss the valuable points and not to misguide your marketing approaches. With the info received from the call tracking, you will be able to put your efforts into the right strategies.
- Keep every call accounted for. Automated tools for tracking calls and collecting data from them eliminate the cases when you omit something during the conversation or general analysis. There will be no unanswered calls or “holds” even in the cases of busy lines. Either voice recognition, smart call distribution, or recording will do their best to keep every client in contact and meet their expectations.
- Ensure a better customer experience. Speaking of the expectations, with tracking software, you will know your customers better. The analytical tools will show you the location, demographic and other insights that will help you to adjust your campaigns and answer the market needs.
Tips on how to choose the suitable tracking software
Having a wide selection of tracking and marketing software, you should define what features are significant for your business. The best option is to find a platform that can provide basic tracking functions and be comprehensive and smart. For instance, with Call Logic from Phonexa, you can benefit from the following features:
- Sure, the main feature is tracking the performance of your campaign and the source of the received calls. This will help to detect the most performing approaches.
- Arrange and evaluate the received data thanks to the smart dashboard and filtering. Use the acquired insights to optimize your existing campaigns and develop new ones.
- Call recording. Conversations with the customers can become a valuable source of information about your target audience’s needs. You can use it for adjusting campaigns as well as for QA purposes.
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Voice recognition. These features make it more convenient and precise to detect the purposes of the call and route the customer to a suitable agent.
- Real-time data. You can save time and get instant insights with real-time data tracking. The system starts collecting the information as soon as the person dials your number.
- Call distribution and management. Thanks to the IVR, the tracking software can assign the call to the right department or manager. With the smart dashboard, where all the metrics are arranged into the visuals and table, you can easily manage the received data for more precise analysis.
Do Your Marketing best!
Being a marketer means using every suitable opportunity to improve your performance. Call tracking software is much more than just recording and counting the incoming calls. Nowadays, it is a selection of multifunctional platforms with smart tracking and analytical features. They arrange the received data in ways for convenient comprehending. DO not miss the opportunity to enhance your ROI and overall marketing performance with call tracking.