After a week of teasers and a reveal trailer fully showcasing her abilities, the Scottish heroine Clove finally arrives and makes her debut in the hit 5v5 character-based tactical FPS Valorant, exclusive to PC Platforms. Get ready for your lobbies to be filled with butterflies, as this new Valorant Agent has so many aggressive abilities under her belt that players will be tempted to insta-lock the character from the character select screen.
Of course, if you are having a hard time unlocking each Agent for Valorant, you can always purchase an existing Valorant account for sale right here at U7BUY, where the most affordable rates are offered to players worldwide with guaranteed. With that being said, let’s say hi to Valorant Clove and explore her unique abilities that make her stand out more.
Character Details and Abilities
As we’ve mentioned, Valorant Clove is the latest addition to the Valorant roster, with her being the Sixth Controller. Hailing from the Scottish Highlands, Riot Games describes her as a troublemaker, a character who dives into fights without hesitation. Her unique abilities promise a gameplay experience like no other, making her a standout addition to the game, which we will discuss below. Pick-Me-Up and Meddle are her basic abilities (the C and Q buttons or Command Prompts). Pick-Me-Up allows Valorant Clove to absorb the life force of an enemy she has damaged or killed, acquiring speed and transient well-being, while Meddle equips Clove Valorant with a fragment of Immortality essence that, when fired and thrown, temporarily decays all targets inside.
Her Signature Ability ( the E button or Command Prompt) is the Ruse ability, where once activated, you are given an aerial view of the battlefield and fire Valorant Clove’s clouds on the specified locations that can block vision in those areas, turning the tide of the battle to your advantage. Another great thing about this ability is that you can even use it after death to help your teammates! Let us not forget about her Ultimate Ability (the X button on Command Prompt) is the Not Dead Yet Ability, where after Valorant Clove dies, she is resurrected, and she must earn a kill or a damaging assist within a set time, or else she will die.
How to Unlock Valorant Clove
A common question that most players will ask is how we will be able to unlock her. One of the easiest ways to unlock her is via Valorant Points (VP). You have to ensure your Valorant game is updated to the latest version to gain access to her. Go to the Valorant Agents section of the game, where you will click the Valorant Clove icon.
If you have 1000 VP present in your account, you can unlock her right away. If, by any chance, you are short of VP, then fret not; here at U7BUY, we provide a Valorant top up that aims to help you get ahead of the game and unlock all Operators within a reasonable cost. Another method is completing the Valorant Agent Recruitment Event, where 200,000 XP is required to unlock her for free.