It is important to note that the art of panel beating has come a long way. Due to the passage of time or collision, accident, etc., vehicles often get damaged and get scratches, dents, and damages on the surface of the vehicle. It is to be noted that repairing or restoring the car in its original position is a labor-intensive process. Panel beaters repair the vehicle by removing all the dents and damaged parts with their skills. For further research about panel beating services head over to NRC Group. Repairing the damaged vehicle is not a task of amateurs, and it requires the assistance of professional panel beaters. This article provides a general overview of the evolution of various tools and techniques in the panel beating process.
Some basic facts about panel beaters
There are many panel beaters on the market, but choosing the best professional panel beaters is somehow a complex task. Hiring a professional panel beater ensures that the vehicle gets high resale value and all the work is completed in due time with precision and certainty. It is to be noted that the resale value of the car totally depends on how the car is looking after damages, etc. The role of the professional panel beaters is to enhance the external surface of the car by using various methods like realignment, shrinking, planishing, welding, spray painting, filling, etc.
The role of panel beaters is not restricted to simply fixing dents and scratches, but they possess extensive knowledge and specialized tools to replace the damaged parts of the vehicle, blend new paint, and give a smooth finish to the vehicle. Panel beaters provide customized solutions for every vehicle, ranging from mini cars to luxury cars, and cater to the specific needs of the customer by employing specific techniques.
How tools and techniques in panel beating have evolved
Vehicle owners know that accidents or wear and tear of the vehicle happen and somehow reduce the value of the car. Panel beaters help in repairing the damaged vehicle by using traditional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology. It is to be noted that there has been a great evolution in the techniques used by panel beaters in shaping the metal. In the early 20th century, skilled artisans were heavily relying on hammers, anvils, and torches to restore the metal panels to their original shape, and after that, they polished the panels to give them a final look.
In the late 20th century, there was the introduction of electric welders, which helped to join metal prices with precision and certainty, and the usage of body fillers has led to a smooth finish to the vehicle. Now, in the 21st century, there has been the introduction of various techniques such as glue pull repair and Paintless Dent Removal oval, which help in preserving the original paint and structure of the vehicle. Panel beaters are focusing on employing eco-friendly approaches to vehicle restoration, like the usage of water-based paints, which produce a lower level of volatile organic compounds and help in environmental sustainability.
Panel beaters are professionals who are well-equipped with various tools and techniques to restore the vehicle to its original position. There has been a great advent in tools and techniques used in panel beating.