Think about all the appliances in your house that need power to function. From the lights to your refrigerator to the toilet bowl water, it’s no wonder the average American uses around 10,649 kilowatt-hours per year.
That amount of usage can result in expensive electricity bills, which is why you may be wondering which type of power source is better, gas or electricity. Your power source often revolves around state laws and your home’s proximity to the power source.
However, if you can choose between one or the other, you should know the pros and cons of both. Keep reading this guide to learn about gas vs. electricity.
The Pros and Cons of Gas vs. Electricity
First things first, is gas cheaper than electricity? The answer is yes—most of the time. Gas is typically more efficient, especially if you have a supply tank underneath your house.
However, if you live in a warm climate, you need to consider if making the switch to gas is cost-efficient. Changing energy sources is expensive, and it might not be worth it if you don’t use heat that many times out of the year. Gas is better suited for cold climates and larger houses because it is more efficient.
One of the drawbacks of gas is that it is explosive. If there’s a leak in your gas line, it could put your entire house in danger, which is why you need to hire a reputable propane line installation company.
Professionals earn permits that make it legal for them to install a gas line. Plus, if you sense a gas leak, they’ll run some tests and fix it if need be. Hiring one will ensure the safety of your home and family.
Another con of gas is that it is not great for the environment. It is a fossil fuel, and its extraction process causes it to leak methane into the atmosphere. In terms of its carbon dioxide emission rate, it is not as high as coal and oil.
Electricity, on the other hand, can be much cleaner depending on its production process. You want to get your electricity from a plant that uses low-carbon energy sources to generate it.
Additionally, electricity tends to be safer than gas. However, there are instances where it can be hazardous, like bad wiring or if water comes into contact with outlets, appliances, or electrical fires.
Deciding Which One Is Best for Your Home
Switching from one energy source to another can be a big deal for homeowners. There are many factors to compare in the breakdown between gas vs. electricity.
If you want a more affordable, efficient option, go with gas. For a safer, environmentally-friendly option, go with electricity.
Which one are you leaning toward? Tell us in the comments down below. Afterward, check out the rest of our blog for home tips.