Cleaning can seem like a bit of a thankless chore! It sometimes seems that no matter how much you do, there’s always more to be done.
That being said, keeping on top of the cleaning is worth it because you will enjoy being in your home more, and it will be a healthier environment both for you and your family.
It’s tough to keep on top of your cleaning, especially if you work full-time, but it’s possible.
Little and often
The idea of spending a large chunk of time cleaning doesn’t sound appealing, does it? And that’s why if you try and clean in huge chunks, it won’t ever get done.
A better approach is to clean a little and often. Set aside 20 minutes each day when you come in to do a small job like running around with the vacuum, doing some dusting, or cleaning the bathroom.
That way, everything stays clean all of the time.
Work together
If you live with other people, it’s essential that all of the cleaning doesn’t fall on one person, as that’s a perfect recipe for resentment!
Have a conversation with your family, roommates, or whoever you live with about how much cleaning everyone needs to do to stay on top of things. Generally, when a person understands what is expected of them, they will pull their weight – it’s usually when what’s needed hasn’t been communicated well that there are problems.
Listen to a podcast or watch Netflix
If you find cleaning dull, and who doesn’t, then make it more interesting to help keep you motivated to stay on top of it.
Try listening to a podcast or your favorite music while you work. Or, with some tasks, you could even do them in front of Netflix; for example, a movie is an excellent accompaniment to folding laundry.
Use a cleaning service
One surefire way to stay on top of your cleaning is to hire a cleaning service. Split between a few people a cleaning service is cheaper than you might think, and it’s also a great way to solve disputes over who should be doing what! Check out Westmaids for help and tips, the best cleaning services in Calgary.
Also, you can take a look at to get an idea of the costs of cleaning services.
Always do your dishes
If you leave your dishes to pile up, the job will get much worse because the food will dry onto the plates and become difficult to clean.
If you do nothing else, make sure you do your dishes each day before going to bed. Doing your dishes will have a significant impact on the cleanliness of your home.
Make a rota
If you’re struggling to get everyone to pull their weight when it comes to cleaning, then creating a schedule that everyone needs to stick to is a great way to ensure everyone pulls their weight without unnecessary conflict.
If everyone can see what needs to be done and that their task is an equal share of the overall load, they are much more likely to cooperate.
Cleaning is much simpler if you aren’t navigating piles of stuff, so it’s a good idea to set aside some time to declutter your home if you want to minimize your cleaning time. Besides you may hire the best cleaning services in Calgary.
Work your way from top to bottom, and get rid of anything that you no longer need. You could even make a little extra money by selling things on eBay, too!