Aspiring entrepreneurs are often bombarded with the concept of the “dream” of leaving behind their 9 – 5, starting their own business and answering only to themselves. The idea behind this is great, and if you’re passionate about your dream you should try to find a way to follow it.
However, there’s a lot that dream sellers aren’t preparing you for. Yes, working for yourself and doing something you’re passionate about can change your life for the better, but there’s a lot that goes into making your dream a reality.
Here are a few things you might not have thought about.
You Have To Take Care of Yourself
Starting and running a small business is exciting, but you’ll soon find that it can take a toll on your mental health. Amidst everything already going on, you’ll need to prioritise taking care of yourself.
This might not sound like much, but small business owners will confirm that forcing themselves to step away from work to wind down from time to time can be tough.
You Might Be Limited
When you start your business, you might be limited in countless ways – financially, in terms of how much work you can get done, and even legally.
For example, if you ever signed a non-solicitation agreement at a previous job, you won’t be able to hire employees from your former employer. This essentially means that you won’t be able to rope old colleagues into jumping ship with you – but you can find partners and employers anywhere else.
You Need To Be Your Own Customer
If you’re not buying into your own product or service, why would anyone else? Make sure that you use, evaluate and trust your products before you even try to sell them to anyone else.
When you’re intimately familiar with your products, you’ll be far better equipped to sell them to someone else.
It’s More Work Than You Think
If you want to make a success of your business, you’ll be putting in the work for a long time. You might have the idea that working for yourself means being able to take vacations whenever you please and clocking out at 3 PM.
However, business owners often work far more than the average employee – when it’s your own dreams on the line, you’ll want to put in the extra effort.
You’ll Need To Evolve
It’s unlikely that your very first ideas and products are going to be perfect from the get-go. This is not to say that your plans won’t work – just be prepared to adjust and adapt over time.
As you go on, you’ll realise what works and what doesn’t, and being able to transform and evolve in order to improve is the marker of a good business.
You Can’t Please Everyone
Make peace with the fact that you’ll always be faced with naysayers and ‘haters’ in business. How you deal with them is what speaks volumes about you and your company.
Your products, services, marketing strategies, branding, etc. will never satisfy everyone, so just make sure your target audience is happy and focus on those who count.