Whether it’s the first kiss, the first fight, the first “I love you”, the first night together, the first time you let them see your flaws, an engagement, or celebrating the months and years together, marking the occasion with a symbol and/or gesture is a great way to celebrate. While relationships are imperfect and, in the United States, they don’t exactly have the best track record for longevity, that’s no reason not to celebrate finding someone special in the crowd.
This is especially true since, in the United States, we tend to be hopeful regardless of perceived failures. This is highlighted by a 2017 survey that showed that roughly 94 percent of people living in the United States believe in “true love”, despite all odds. Check out these four romantic gestures to celebrate the pinnacles of your love.
1. A Special Piece of Jewelry.
For the larger milestones, there’s not a lot that marks the occasion better than traditional diamonds (especially if you’re ready to purchase an engagement ring). However, if you’re looking for a unique look, rather than a traditional diamond, consider looking into salt and pepper diamonds. Salt and pepper diamonds are classic natural diamonds that go with any look, tend to be cheaper than traditional white diamonds, are just as durable as regular diamonds, and come in a range of colors and shapes (kite, hexagon, geometric, pear, and square).
Whether it’s an engagement ring, a promise ring, a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet, you’ll find a salt and pepper diamond that elevates brilliance and stands as a memento of your time together. Chinchar Maloney also carries salt and pepper diamonds for men, gemstones, and rings for everyday wear.
If you’re ready to “pop the question”, at Chinchar Maloney you can design your own custom salt and pepper ring. This way you get to pick the carat, the setting, the type of gold (yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold), pick the accents, colors, etc. Make her salt and pepper diamond engagement ring as unique as she is.
Bonus tip: if you want a salt and pepper diamond that sparkles, then Chinchar Maloney recommends getting a brilliant-cut rather than a rose cut.
2. Plan a special trip to remote locations in the United States.
Are you and your significant other suckers for breathtaking landscapes? Then check out one of the many US National Parks to discover all the wonderful parks around North America. Whether you’re into hiking, kayaking, hot springs, the excitement of visits to active volcanoes, or hikes near glaciers, there’s a national park for you to discover in the United States.
Whether you want to go on hikes with the most breathtaking landscapes at the Grand Canyon National Park, visit the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, climb the mountains in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming or Mount Rainier in Washington state (the highest of the Cascades – where you’ll also find glaciers), the treacherously hot trails of Joshua Tree National Park in Nevada or Death Valley National Park in California, there are National Parks of plenty all throughout North America.
If it’s been your mutual goal to see the Grand Canyon or the great smoky mountains, see the Everglades and the swamps at Everglades National Park, camp in the dunes of Indiana at Indiana Dunes National Park, relive the “real wild west” at Zion National Park, explore the history and splendor of Mammoth Cave, see the “underwater forests” of Channel Islands, or visit national monuments in North Carolina and Acadia National Parl, then the best way to mark your next milestone is by planning a trip to do just that. Heck, make it a big tour of the United States while seeing your dream national parks and landmarks along the way.
3. Get a pet together.
Whether you decide to go for a pet with fur or feathers, there’s no denying that getting a pet together is a milestone itself, especially for some couples. According to a Forbes article from 2016, millennials tend to delay traditional milestones such as marriage, buying a home, or having babies and instead adopt a pet (33 percent have a pet versus only 32 percent for boomers).
Not only do pets bring a new level of clarity to a relationship (you don’t know how patient and/or maternal/paternal a partner is until something pees on them), but a pet can be the ultimate gesture gift. If your partner has been wanting a specific pet but thinks the expense is too extravagant, then tracking down their “perfect pet” and saying you’ll “pet parent” with them can be the ultimate gesture.
4. DIY Keepsake Box or Wall Hanging
If you’re the type to save little things after important events and/or are short on funds, then making your partner a gift with your collection of mementos could be the sweetest way to mark a special milestone.
These are just a few good suggestions for keepsakes.