There are several sorts of automobile collisions. You or a loved one may benefit from learning more about the sort of accident that caused your injuries. You may have a clearer picture of what may have caused the accident, who should be held accountable, and what damages you may be able to collect. You can contact Albany car accident lawyers if you are involved in a car accident.
Rear-End Accidents
Rear-end accidents are the most frequent sort of automobile accident. These collisions occur when the front bumper of one vehicle collides with the back bumper of another. These incidents may vary in intensity from simple fender-benders that produce little damage to severe collisions that can total a vehicle. Although there are several possible reasons for rear-end collisions, ignorance or carelessness on the side of the rear motorist is often to blame. Rear-end collisions may be caused by dangerous behaviors such as tailgating, texting while driving, and other distractions.
“T-Bone” Crashing
Intersectional crashes are sometimes referred to as “T-Bone” collisions because the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another, producing the letter “T.” This often occurs when someone disregards a stop sign or red light or makes a left turn in front of oncoming traffic. These are among the most hazardous forms of auto accidents since one vehicle might crash with a side of the passenger compartment that is relatively vulnerable. Although there are several possible reasons for these incidents, they are often the result of one driver’s negligence or recklessness.
Sideswipe Collisions
Side-impact crashes are rather frequent and may result in severe injuries. Most of these collisions occur when one car merges into another, often because the merging driver neglected to check their blind area. They may also occur when a distracted driver swerves out of their lane. At high speeds, even though these incidents are often modest, they may inflict severe damage and injuries.
Common reasons for automobile collisions include:
Drunk Driving
Similar to drugged driving, drunk driving is a frequent cause of automobile accidents. If a person’s mental state is compromised, their ability to drive is likewise impacted. Drunk driving accidents have devastating consequences for victims and their families.
Inattentional Driving
Drivers whose attention is distracted by distractions are more likely to be involved in accidents. Distractions while driving include eating/drinking, conversing, combing hair or applying cosmetics, reading books/maps, using GPS systems, viewing movies, and adjusting radio settings.
Sleepy Driving
Drivers who are sleep deprived are more likely to cause accidents. Rest is necessary for the body to stay aware and respond quickly enough to avert an accident. Drunk driving incidents are frequent and hazardous.
Both the driver’s hands and eyes are diverted from the road when they text while driving. When texting while driving, you are 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision than if you were driving without distractions.
Drugged Driving
Any medication that affects a driver’s motor abilities, response time, or judgment increases the likelihood that it may cause an accident. Drunk driving endangers the safety of other motorists and is deemed negligent.
Automobile and truck collisions are an awful aspect of the contemporary world. While automobiles are safer than ever before, they are also quicker and demand less driver participation. The following three kinds of automobile collisions are among the most frequent and are often caused by careless, reckless, or otherwise irresponsible driving.