Balancing your life as a working student, whether you are young or elderly, is always a difficult task. You must have enough time to attend class, study diligently, finish all of your assignments, work long hours, and deal with anything else that arises.
It appears to be impossible.
It won’t always be easy, but it’ll never be impossible. We absolutely agree that there will be days when there simply isn’t enough time. However, there are many times when you will not make good use of your time without even realizing it.
You’ll notice that on days when your time management abilities aren’t up to par, you’ll find yourself battling to get everything done. And if it happens frequently enough, you may feel compelled to give up.
That is, however, where we come in! And I know how difficult it can be working with students as essay writer! So, check out my seven recommendations for working students below to help you manage your time effectively and achieve that all-important study-work balance.
Never Underestimate The Value Of A Study Routine
Routine can provoke negative emotions in many people. Some people appreciate routine and order, while for others, the word routine is nearly a synonym for dull or uninteresting.
A schedule, on the other hand, is essential for studying. Switching between tasks or projects frequently when you have a lot on your plate is unproductive. To perform something properly, our minds need to focus on one thing at a time, which is where a routine comes in helpful.
If at all possible, set aside some time to study — preferably at the same time each day. You must clearly set yourself up for the thought “Every day I do my homework at 4 pm”. In this manner, your body and mind will acquire the habit and routine of knowing that it is study time and that you should give it your full attention and concentration.
Use assistance if necessary to help you block out the world and concentrate better during this period. Perhaps some noise-canceling headphones or some soft background music that isn’t disturbing will help. If you want, make a calm ambiance with candles or anything else that will help you focus.
Carry Your Studies Along With You
How many times have you sat on the bus, lazily looking through your phone on your way to work or college? Most days, most likely.
How many times have you scrolled through your phone while waiting for supper to prepare or a buddy to arrive? Every day, most likely.
There are a variety of instances in which we are all guilty of squandering time on our phones; you must begin to utilize these parts of time.
Keep critical notes on your phone or in your backpack, carry books or other materials with you, and save recordings to your phone. (Ask your professor if there is any additional material you can listen to or if there are any parts of the lesson you can record for study notes.)
Then, if you’re tempted to go through your phone, pull out your notes, or listen to an audio lecture. Even ten minutes here and there can make a significant difference, particularly if done on a regular basis.
Set Study Time Goals
If you chat with your professor, they will tell you how many hours each week they recommend you spend studying for the course. At the absolute least, do your best to learn this amount.
As a general rule, you should devote two hours to each credit hour per course when studying. You should study eight hours each week if your course is worth four credit hours.
So, write down how much you need to study and keep track of it each week to guarantee you don’t fall behind. You can create a chart to keep track of your time and distribute it efficiently based on what is most important to you or what you need to study the most.
Under no circumstances should you put off important assignments or initiatives until the final possible moment. Prioritize these tasks. They will always account for a larger percentage of your final mark, thus the larger the project, the higher the priority.
When You’re A Working Student, Be Conscious Of How You Use Your Time
Calendars and diaries, for example, can be quite helpful in helping you become a master of time management. It’s very likely that you’ll have a timetable at your workplace. Schedules are an excellent way for everyone to know who is working when and how to keep the office running smoothly.
Here’s an example of a comparable approach you can use for studying:
- Make a timetable and circle the times when you’ll be working;
- Mark off the times when you are free in a different color;
- Includes time when you are not obligated to attend lectures or have other regular obligations;
- Fill in the blanks with the times you have available to study and do assignments.
Make the most of your time. It makes no difference if you have three hours free or one hour free; it all adds up. When the conclusion of the week arrives, you’ll be glad you took advantage of every opportunity to study.
When it comes to sleeping, you may also be resourceful with your time. Do not believe that staying up a few hours later to finish college work is a beneficial use of your time; in the long run, it will have the opposite impact.
You will feel sluggish the next day if you stay up late. If this happens for several days in a row, your brain will begin to malfunction.
So you’ve slowed down during the week to compensate for pushing yourself too hard one night. It’s never worth it; obtain the quantity of sleep you need each night to perform properly because being aware and rested allows you to produce higher-quality work.
Don’t Try To Accomplish Too Much Too Soon
Having a job while in college does not imply that you must work a forty-hour week, nor does it imply that you must work a twenty-hour week. When you’re just starting out in school, the best kind of work to have is one that allows you to be flexible and has the fewest needed hours.
Everything will be fresh and exhausting during your first year. It will take some time to adjust to your new surroundings as well as your academics. As a result, taking on too much work in the first year is not usually a good idea.
A side job, such as babysitting or serving as a brand ambassador, is a good way to supplement your income without committing too much time. Once you’ve established yourself in college, you can consider taking up a more serious job that requires more hours and attention. However, having a more challenging career should never come at the expense of your schoolwork.
Ask For Help When You Need It
Remember that if you need assistance, your lecturers or supervisor will most likely be quite helpful. The majority of individuals have been in your shoes and know how difficult it is to balance study and work.
So, if any aspect of your studying or working life becomes too much for you, reach out to your boss or professors and let them know you need help. If you require a deadline extension, request one.
Simply ask if you may switch shifts at work to get more studying done during a particularly key week. Also, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Most difficulties or problems you’ll have as a working student may be solved by asking for assistance, so don’t be embarrassed to ask for help if you need it. It’s quite normal, and you’ll feel much better as a result.
Make Use Of Effective De-stressing Techniques
We all have different ways of de-stressing, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, with so many varied ways to unwind, everyone may find something that suits them. Here are some wonderful techniques to help you maintain a calm and relaxed mindset as much as possible.
1. Do exercise.
This is something you’ve probably heard a hundred times before, and it’s because it’s entirely accurate and really valuable. Exercising promotes the release of endorphins, as we all know. These happy hormones will instantly improve your mood and clear your mind. If you dislike exercising, a daily twenty- or thirty-minute walk may be all you need to feel more energized and less nervous.
2. Have a nap.
Napping is not an indication of laziness. It has been proved that napping for fifteen to twenty minutes completely refreshes our mind and body. It is effective that naps are now considered a necessary component of many people’s daily routines in many nations.
However, don’t nap for more than 20 minutes because your body will slip into a deep sleep and you will wake up feeling drowsy. It only takes twenty minutes to wake up in the best possible state.
3. Drink water.
Drink water on a regular basis to stay hydrated. Water is necessary for maintaining the health of our thoughts and bodies. Consider the headaches you get when you’re dehydrated; drinking water is a simple method to keep your body functioning properly.
4. Limit the use of electronic devices in your room.
Allow yourself ten minutes of nothing at the end of each day: no phones, no TV, no games, just nothing. Relax by lying in bed and breathing deeply. It is beneficial to our minds and helps us sleep better to have some time before falling asleep with nothing to stimulate us.
5. Be social, but not excessively so.
Of course, you can’t spend your entire college career bouncing back and forth between your dorm, lecture halls, and office. You must mingle and engage in recreational activities to avoid becoming insane.
Don’t go overboard, though. While spending time with friends is beneficial to your mood and well-being, doing so every night when you should be studying is not. Be social, but don’t let it take precedence over your academics.
As a side note, don’t drink too much caffeine to keep de-stressed. Caffeine-free is ideal. You can still drink coffee, but just decaf. Also, don’t enroll in more classes than you think you’ll be able to handle. Everyone has limitations, and it’s perfectly acceptable to acknowledge that you can only accomplish so much.
As a working student, you must have realistic expectations and recognize that college will be challenging. You are not superhuman, and no one can balance studying and working properly. You will be able to get through college without too many snags if you are realistic about your limitations and manage your time as efficiently as possible. Who knows, you might even have a good time along the way!