Going eco-friendly and reducing carbon footprint is the latest trend that has been gripping the world. More and more people are adopting measures to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to nature. However, unfortunately, most people adopt a “selective” green lifestyle. They embrace a plastic-free life, conserve water, and use energy wisely, but when it comes to driving their car, they easily forego their eco-friendly vows.
A lack of knowledge can be blamed for the same. Most people have no idea how to make their cars eco-friendly. If you have been struggling to conquer this territory and make your lifestyle 100% eco-friendly, we might help you.
Here is how you can make your car more eco-friendly:
Ensure preventive maintenance of the fuel system
Any harmful component of your fuel system can impact the environment. Check every component of the system, including fuel filter, fuel injectors, fuel pump, and fuel lines. If you spot any issue, get it fixed immediately.
Change the filters and flush the injectors every 30,000 miles.
Maintain optimum tire pressure
Under-inflated tires force your engine to work harder to roll them efficiently. As your car does more work, it burns more fuel. Hence, keep the tire pressure optimum. It will help you to conserve fuel while also making your tires last longer.
To know the correct pressure for your tires, check on the sticker inside the driver’s door. Manufacturers generally provide a safe range to the drivers. Or, check the owner’s manual.
With this simple trick, you save money, fuel, and the environment.
Drive light
One of the most common mistakes that people make is flooding their car with weight. The more you stuff your car with unwanted weight, the more fuel it burns. Hence, steer clear from driving heavy.
Even when taking a road trip, try to take the trip with minimum required stuff. You will save a great deal of fuel and money.
Do not remove your EGR (Exhaust gas recirculation)
Removing the EGR from your vehicle will make it sound good but at the cost of environmental health. As the EGR is responsible for helping your ride utilize the full capacity of the exhaust gases, its absence is going to have a detrimental effect on your fuel savings as well as on your overall green impact.
Removing the vehicle’s EGR can also cause you to fail your emissions inspection.
Keep an eye on the emission system
The emission system of your car is a potent component that minimizes the impact of driving on the environment.
When you drive, your car produces toxic compounds that are ejected into the environment. The emission system of your car minimizes and cleans the exhaust fumes escaping from the tailpipe.
A catalytic converter forms one of the most crucial components of the emission system. It converts the toxic compounds into less toxic compounds. If it goes bad or any other component of the emission system goes bad, your car will produce toxic gases in high amounts, hampering the environment.
Hence, get the system checked. If the catalytic converter is not working efficiently, consider catalytic converter replacement.
Keep an eye out for Check Engine Light. It will illuminate if there is a problem with your emission system.
The bottom line
Making your car green isn’t rocket science. If you keep your car well-maintained, you are already halfway there. With these tips, you can make your driving a hundred percent green.