Vaping has become an important field of human hobby nowadays. The number of vaping grows daily. In fact, more and more people are getting seduced with the easiness of use and practical benefits of vaping as a process. Mankind is turning more and more attention to vaping both positive and critical. Governments and scientific organisations pay more attention to the issue as well.
This popularity requires more information. When there is no sufficient information about the activity, people can hardly decide what their attitude to the issue is. That is why scientific research is growing in the field of vaping. It is valid for both consumers and manufacturers. Neither scientific vape news, nor the recent vaping novelties are often highlighted in the media as well.
1. California Bans Flavours
The general American ban promised by Donald Trump has become a difficult thing to implement. However, many states have made vaping laws stricter. One of the basic arguments in favour of the ban is the risks that child’s health are put at. Statistics claim that vaping is extremely popular among adolescents, which is a threat to future generations.
One of the most recent examples is The Golden State banning vaping flavours. The prohibition will come into action on the first day of the next year. The prognosis says that the ban will last about two years before people will be able to decide whether they would like to continue it or not. Citizens will get the opportunity to make this decision within a referendum in November 2022.
As for now, the ban covers the retail stores only but online sales cannot be controlled so far. This puts the whole thing under question. In addition, tobacco products themselves are not banned if they contain no flavours. It is important to note that major tobacco companies along with other people interested in this are collecting signatures against the ban.
2. Vaping and Coronavirus Spread
Although, years ago the scientists have proven that second hand vaping is hazardous not only because of the direct threat of vaping chemicals but because of the risks of transmitting some bacteria as well. As for now, there is not clear evidence that covid can be transmitted from person to person by means of e cigarette vapour, claims Rosanna O’Connor. She is the speaker of Public Health England. Some experts even claim that these fears are false and there is no chance for covid to get spread by means of both smoking and vaping.
3. Vaping Reputation Gets Clean Again
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently blamed vaping companies in the high race spread of EVALI among vapers. They tried to present research data to show all the possible reasons of threats. Vitamin E acetate oil was found in samples all around the United States. However, patients reported the use of nicotine products only but not THC, which caused blames on vaping products producers, who could have used other elements than registered. However, because of massive dissatisfaction, CDC went deeper into the topic and soon came to the conclusion that legal vapes are the cause of EVALI. This is the outbreak of THC use, which should be blamed.
4. 25 is new 21
October, the fifth was the day when New York legislators suggested making 25 the lowest age, which enables people to buy tobacco and vaping products. Actually, this is not the first attempt of authorities to make such a prohibition. Hawaii tried to implement a similar bill earlier this year. In fact, on Nov, 18 – a day before voting for this bill – the families of vapers and other supporters tried to reach out to their representors among local authorities. We cannot claim the precise reason but maybe this influenced the fact that the decision taking was postponed. Still, no one can say when the authorities will go back to reviewing the bill, so the vaping community is keeping eye on the ball.
5. Alaska Hot News
To be more precise, it goes about the Municipality of Anchorage, which is located in Alaska. The ordinance of vaping products was introduced. They determined a special tax on vaping-related products. This tax will be taken starting from the first January. This tax suggests that all vaping related products such as e juices, vape mods, and e nails are set with an additional tax. It is about 55% of the wholesale cost, which makes it more difficult to get sold.
It is quite interesting that devices for consuming medical marijuana, which is legal in Alaska, can get away from the tax. The amendment was introduced to protect people, who suffer from severe illnesses from extra expenses. Supporters of anti-vaping campaigns and those who are afraid of vaping threat for future generations are in favour of such an initiative. However, opponents of the initiative claim that such tax can make consumers seek an illegal vaping market, which is unsafe.
One can also be interested in the vaping market overseas. It is interesting that vapers usually get interested in the vaping laws of other countries only when they are going to visit the country but not when they need to get some experience from their overseas colleagues. Recent vaping news from foreign countries might help to think of American way to solve the vaping conflict in society.
Australian Vape Prescription Plan
The Therapeutic Goods Administration, one of the most important Australian health organisations, has presented the plan to sell vaping related products in pharmacies by means of prescription only. The issue needed dome public discussions, which were held till the 6th November this year. However, the final decision will be made at the end of the year.
In fact, Australia has pretty strict smoking and vaping laws now. Any sale of these products is currently illegal. Saving vaping devices is out of law as well. In case, you are travelling to Australia and you want to have your vaping device with you, you must have a special note from your doctor that will prove your need for this device.
India Goes on Protest
This September it was a year since Indian government banned vaping products. Therefore, many Indians went to protest. AVI, the Association of Vapers India, has organised people to go out and show dissatisfaction with the decision. People on protest claim that vaping is one of the most important tools to give up smoking. They are sure that banning vaping will boost smoking related death rates.
In fact, India is famous for its habits to smoke different substances, and nicotine is one of the most widespread. They also highlight that ordinary people lack information about smoking and latest vaping news are never accessible to the average Indian person. Therefore, it is important to boost Indian awareness of their health, smoking risks, dangers and benefits of vaping.
Blanket Ban from Germany
Germany is one of the most powerful world countries, which follows the recent news in the world and creates trends for the rest of the world. Known for being extremely precise and tidy, Germans still used to have some mess with vaping laws. German Bundestag has put non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes, refillable containers and liquids into the same law category as their nicotine containing counterparts. They went even further, any advertising (online, radio, outdoor, or TV) is prohibited even if it is about CBD vape products, which clearly contain no nicotine.