As a student, you want to be close to your university. It means that the location of your student accommodation is essential when deciding where to live while studying. Suppose you are a student at the University of Queensland. In that case, you need to find student accommodation near it, allowing you quick and easy access to classes and other resources such as libraries, labs, and more. This article will explain to you the benefits of living in student accommodation.
You’ll be closer to the university.
The University of Queensland is located in St Lucia on the southern bank of the Brisbane River, which makes it an excellent location for students to live. If you’re looking at student accommodation near UQ, such as at, you’ll be able to get to the university on time every day without wasting money on taxis or buses. Not only that, but things like public transport and grocery shopping will also be more accessible because everything is so close by!
You can join the student communities and make friends.
One of the best benefits of finding student accommodation near the university of Queensland is that you can make friends with other students. If you want to get involved in clubs and societies, it is easier if your home is close to campus. You also have more opportunities to make international friends if you live close by, as many nationalities come together at a university campus.
24/7 security
Another benefit of student accommodation is 24/7 security. The units are usually gated and monitored by security cameras, so you’ll be able to come and go as you please without worrying about your safety. You may even have a resident manager who lives on the property with all the other students and can help you if there is an issue.
Also, when it comes to safety, there are several things that student accommodation providers do to ensure their tenants feel at ease when they’re home or away from it:
It’s no secret that living in student accommodation is far more comfortable than living in a house or apartment with your parents. First and foremost, you’ll get a fully furnished room with everything you need to live on your own. Secondly, you’ll have access to a common study area where you can meet with other students during breaks between classes. Also, laundry facilities are available, so you don’t have to go out of your way when it comes time to wash. Finally, many universities provide free WiFi so students can be online whenever they want without incurring additional costs.
You will learn new skills by living on your own.
You must learn to live on your own. You will have to manage your time, pay bills, cook, and clean. This means you are learning new skills and gaining independence simultaneously. Living in student accommodation gives you this opportunity.
You will also be responsible for organizing your own social activities. This can help you make friends outside of the university, making studying easier as there are people you know well.
With the diverse range of accommodation options available in Brisbane, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs. So whether you’re a student looking for an affordable place to live or someone who wants to enjoy some time away from home on holidays, there are plenty of great places to stay!