If your family has a history of hypertension, it is important that you take the necessary steps to avoid it. Remember that your family is already susceptible to the condition, and if you don’t have a healthy lifestyle, you might develop it later on in life. Here are 7 ways to stave off hypertension.
1. Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
If you want to avoid developing hypertension, it is very important that you avoid alcoholic drinks. Remember that alcohol contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. While carbohydrates are not really an unhealthy energy source, there are still some types of carbohydrates such as the ones found in beer that have a high glycemic index. This means they could be converted very easily into sugar in the bloodstream. Most alcoholic drinks also contain a lot of sugar, so if you drink a lot of alcoholic drinks such as beer, your blood sugar will also increase. This large amount of sugar in your diet will make you gain weight, which will put a lot of strain on your heart. It might also have you develop other forms of diseases such as diabetes or liver disease. Overall, it is very important that you stay away from alcoholic drinks as much as possible.
2. Eat Fatty Foods in Moderation
Aside from avoiding alcoholic drinks, it is very important that you avoid eating fatty foods. If you eat foods that are high in fat, then your cholesterol levels will increase at a steady rate and your arteries will get clogged in the long run. This will make it difficult for your heart to efficiently pump blood, which may lead to heart disease later in life. This does not mean that you can’t eat fatty foods. Fat is still a necessity if you want your body to function normally. However, you should forgo unhealthy fatty foods such as bacon, and go for healthier alternatives instead.
3. Avoid Smoking and Secondhand Smoke
If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, it is very important that you avoid smoking as a whole. It is a very destructive habit, that will not only damage your cardiovascular system, it will also damage your lungs and nervous system as well. It is also important that you avoid secondhand smoke, as strange as it may seem, secondhand smoke is even more damaging, because the smoke is just as potent as firsthand smoke, and you won’t be able to notice that it is going through your lungs. As a whole, it is best that you stay away from smoking and smokers in general.
4. Check Your Blood Pressure
If you want to control your blood pressure as effectively as possible, it is important that you keep a blood pressure monitor with you at all times. It is by far one of the most efficient ways to check your blood pressure.
As a rule, it is very important that you have a blood pressure monitor or machine at home. A blood pressure monitor is quite portable, and reasonably accurate in measuring blood pressure levels. However, if you want incredibly efficient blood pressure readings, then you should invest in a blood pressure machine. If your family has hypertension issues, then you should buy your blood pressure monitors and machines from Raycom. The company is a well-known hospital blood pressure machine supplier, and they offer a myriad of great blood pressure equipment at very affordable prices.
5. Control your weight gain
When it comes to controlling your blood pressure, it is very important that you control your weight. Remember that the heavier you are, the harder your heart will have to work to pump blood. It could be even worse if you eat fatty foods because your arteries might get clogged by all the cholesterol that you eat. As a whole, it is very important that you follow a balanced diet.
Aside from your diet, it is important that you stay active. Remember that the more active you are, the calories that your body will be burning. The more calories your body burns, the fewer chances you will have of gaining weight. When it comes to exercises for weight loss, the best exercises are jogging, and surprisingly lifting weights.
6. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Food
According to recent studies, sugar is one of the least healthy types of foods that you could ingest. If you eat too much sugar, you are not only increasing your chances of developing diabetes, you are also going to gain weight in the long run. As a whole, it is very important that you minimize your sugar intake. While you could eat natural sugars such as the ones found in fruits, it is best that you avoid refined sugars.
7. Control your Anxiety
If you are suffering from anxiety, there is a big chance that you could develop heart disease in the future. Remember that anxiety will not only cause you to suffer panic attacks, it could also cause your body to develop harmful hormones that will increase your chances of developing heart ailments in the future. If you live life with nervous energy, you might end up developing palpitations, panic attacks, hyperventilating, or even a stroke or even a heart attack.
If you want to be able to control your anxiety, you should try out various relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation, or massages. These activities are physical enough for you to enjoy but effective enough to control your fears and anxieties.
If a majority of your family has hypertension, there is a chance that you might develop it as well. As a precaution, you should adopt new ways of living to avoid developing them. With these tips, you’ll be able to stave off hypertension.