The popularity of indoor gardens has escalated in urban areas, with several households liking the concept of plants & flowers decorated in their living rooms and balcony. Among the topmost indoor plants is Bonsai, which is a symbol of good luck and attractiveness. These days, apart from buying bonsai trees, people have started to grow them at home. This practice comes with strict maintenance procedures in terms of sunlight, water, and other factors to keep the bonsai tree healthy.
If you are a gardening enthusiast who wishes to manage indoor Bonsai trees, follow the below-mentioned tips to ensure these plants’ proper growth.
Humidity Check
It is recommended to place the indoor bonsai plants on a humidity tray. The purpose is to collect the draining water that passes through the holes present at the pot’s bottom. Hence, the accumulated moisture will develop some humidity around the plant, mainly when the central heating stays on. It is essential to make sure the Bonsai does not immerse in the water; this can damage its roots.
Proper Sunlight
Bonsai trees require good daylight in order to upkeep their healthy pattern. Also, during the winter season, you need to place the bonsai tree at a spot that receives bright sunlight. As per expert gardeners, indirect sunlight is the best for bonsais, especially during the evening time.
Watering Pattern
Your bonsai tree needs to be watered timely based on the status of the soil. Do check the bonsai tree twice a day and analyze whether the soil is dark or dry in texture. For instance, if the soil appears light brown and damp, make sure you water the plant. Never keep the bonsai tree dry or entirely wet for a longer duration. In case the soil surface on your bonsai plant becomes hard during summers, immerse the Bonsai in a tray of water for a few minutes.
Fertilizer Check
Bonsai plants should be adequately fed with nutrients in the form of fertilizers. There are special bonsai fertilizers that should be selected and not the available plant foods. If you opt for a liquid bonsai fertilizer, you need to add it once a week during summer, autumn, and spring. During the winter season, the feeding pattern needs to be restricted to once a month.
To maintain the attractiveness of your bonsai tree, it is necessary to prune it regularly. Do check if the new shoots have grown in length (2-3 cm); consider it the perfect time to cut the fresh leaves using a sharp pair of scissors. When your bonsai tree acquires a weird shape, you need to wait until spring to manage a hard prune. This is the season when you can get rid of all those untidy shoots and wait for young shoots to grow back within a couple of weeks.
Right Temperature
Bonsai is a tropical tree that needs relatively high temperatures. This temperature is similar to the average room temperature of your living room. To be precise, tropical bonsai trees are capable of surviving room temperature throughout the year. However, they are bad at tolerating freezing temperatures during cold weather.
The process of repotting bonsai trees is necessary to replenish the lost soil nutrients. Furthermore, this procedure also helps to support plant growth during the spring season. It should be noted that fast-growing bonsai trees can be repotted once a year, whereas slower-growing bonsai trees might have to be repotted 2-3 times a year.
Ques 1. How do you know if the bonsai tree does not receive proper nutrients?
Ans: If your bonsai plant is not receiving adequate nutrients, the leaves will start developing a yellow color.
Ques 2. Which are the most suitable indoor bonsai plants?
Ans: Some of the most popular indoor bonsai trees include Chinese Elm, Sweet Plum, Oriental Tea Tree, and Pepper Tree.
Ques 3. What is the dormancy period for Bonsai trees?
Ans: It is not recommended to keep a non-tropical bonsai tree indoors since temperate bonsai trees require a dormancy period, especially during winter. It is the period when the annual growth cycle of a bonsai tree ends, and the plant starts preparing itself for the next process, starting in spring.