This refers to a complex developmental disorder associated with movement problems. Some of the associated problems in cerebral palsy are inadequate muscle control, increased or reduced muscle tone, or problems associated with a sense of balance and posture. Cerebral palsy is associated with several symptoms due to the brain damage that resulted in the condition.
In the classroom setting, both teachers and students are considerably impacted by the problems associated with cerebral palsy. Students with cerebral palsy have a hard time keeping their grades up or even using a grading calculator. However, assistive technology is constantly being developed and tested to help with this.
There’re different types of cerebral palsy that affect different sections of the mind. Each kind causes certain movement disorders. The types of cerebral palsy include the following:
Spastic cerebral palsy: Affecting eighty percent of people with cerebral palsy, it causes stiff reflexes making it hard to walk. Many people with this type of cerebral palsy have walking abnormalities, such as making scissor-like movements with their legs or crossing their knees while walking. Muscle weakness also is present. The symptoms can affect just one side of the body or the entire body.
Hypotonic cerebral palsy: Causes relaxed muscles and lessened muscle tone. The limbs move very easily and appear floppy. Babies with this kind of cerebral palsy have little control over their heads and might have trouble breathing. As they grow older, they might struggle to sit up straight due to their weakened muscles. They can also have poor reflexes, walking abnormalities, and difficulty speaking. It may be hard for students with cerebral palsy to tackle argumentative essay topics.
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: People with cerebral palsy have difficulties controlling their body movements. The disorder causes abnormal, involuntary movements in the legs, hands, and arms. In some cases, the tongue and face are also affected. The movements can be jerky and rapid or writhing and slow. These can make it difficult for the person to talk, swallow, sit, or walk.
Ataxic cerebral palsy: Is a common kind of palsy. Cerebral palsy causes voluntary muscle movements that are clumsy.
Mixed cerebral palsy: Some people experience a combination of symptoms from different types of cerebral palsy, which is called mixed cerebral palsy. In most cases of mixed cerebral palsy, people have a mix of dyskinetic and spastic cerebral palsy.
People with cerebral palsy might have other problems. These include the following:
- Communication disorders, including language and speech disorders
- Spinal deformities such as lordosis, scoliosis, and kyphosis
- Drooling
- Osteoarthritis
- Incontinence
- Contractures that occur when the muscles get locked in distressing positions
- Osteopenia or poor bone density, which can make bones easily breakable
Concluding thoughts
As you can tell from this article, cerebral palsy is a debilitating disease. It can take an otherwise healthy person and active person and place them in a wheelchair. There is no cure for it, but we are hopeful that one day there will be.
I hope we did a good job explaining the ins and outs of cerebral palsy. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to leave them below. We’ll be sure to comment back to you promptly.